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Arabic Tea-All There is to Know

by Snovia Ali
Arabic Tea-All there is to know

Arabic tea has historically been found in the Middle East. Learn everything there is to know about the greatest tea in the country and prepare your own cup to drink at home.

Tea has an important role in Arab society and culture. It has been served warm for generations to guests, professional colleagues, and at meetings and other social gatherings. Hot tea has been a vital element of cultural custom for hundreds of years, bringing family and friends together.

It is offered before, after, and occasionally during meals. Tea is a prelude for meetings, parties, and festivities because it is both a courteous way of welcoming people and a healthful drink.

A cup of tea can get many folks up and move. Nonetheless, Arabic tea is a healthier alternative. Yes, this is true for Arabs, and the rest of the world is gradually realizing it. However, the Arabic phrase for tea is not only for drinking in the morning.

Arabic Tea-All There is to Know

The Middle East Tea Culture

Are you aware that the Middle East is among the most important places in terms of tea culture? They are, and they possess an interesting tea history. Nonetheless, green tea came into the Arabic world via roving caravans from the Silk Route.

While black tea was introduced by the French and British territories and became a popular Arabic tea. Turkey is the Middle East’s leading tea grower, according to statistics. However, the Arabians serve their tea in a variety of ways, and each location has its own tea.

Teas can be infused in a variety of ways, including spices, botanicals, fruits, and flowers. Passionate tea lovers in Lebanon, for example, are known to consume rose and cinnamon tea. On the other hand time, Morocco is known for mint, and Syria is known for anise.

Sip Arabic Tea for Hosting

Well, as you can see, coffee is not the only widely consumed option. Tea, which is consumed on a regular basis, is culturally significant. Here are five fascinating facts about the Arab tea routine that you may not have known.

1. Tea is Not Only for Sipping

No difference who you visit, tea is always necessary and takes an hour to prepare. Obviously, the Arabic tea routine is not for individuals who dislike long social talk sessions. However, it serves as a soothing social starter as well as a stimulant for others.

2. It is a Social Occasion

Tea is prepared in a certain way in a typical Arab environment. They utilize a heated coal brazier with a stand for the teapot that sits on top of the fire. The pot contains strong green or black tea with a significant amount of sugar, which is served in a little beautiful glass. You find comfort in the time you spend alone preparing the drink.

3. The Tea Ritual Teaches the Young to Socialize

Arab households socialize their young children into maturity by inviting the son to transfer the hot water from the kettle over the tea leaves in a second pot. Everyone sits on the cushioned flooring around the person making the Arabic tea.

The test is more than merely pouring water from one container to another. No, it’s a test to see if the boy can handle the pot while sitting in a crouched position. As a result, it can be amusing for guests to see how much danger the small guy takes by spilling hot water. If a spill occurs, you will hear a tsk-tsk, which will provide social bonding.

4. Arabic Tea also has a Humorous Side

You would also have the option to pour boiling water like the young boy when visiting Arab families. If you leak, it becomes amusing and serves as an icebreaker, facilitating the discussion.

5. Arabic Tea Cools You Down

Yes, tea has a more practical role than just socializing. The Arabs make tea in such a way that it has the nicest flavor. When poured about 3 feet above the tea leaves, it agitates the water that hits them, enhancing the flavor. As each cup fills with bubbling foam, you get a frothy tea. In hot temperatures, the mint flavor glides across the tongue, cooling the body.

Arabic Tea-All there is to know

Best Arabic Teas

Sage (Maramia)

Sage, a Mediterranean native, has various medical properties as well as an earthy, herbal flavor. It is well-known for its ability to help with hot flashes, oral pathogens, lymphatic systems, and muscle tension. The pungent perfume of maramia can be detected throughout a home, making everyone feel better with just one whiff.

Chamomile (Babooneh)

Chamomile tea, a favorite Arabic Tea before night, is decaffeinated and has been shown to alleviate insomnia and anxiety. The dehydrated chamomile flowers simmer to a warm golden-brown tea that is highly relaxing and can assist with tension and minor pains and aches.

Anise (Yansoon)

Anise tea is popular for its distinct flavor and relaxing qualities due to its natural sweetness (like licorice). Furthermore, anise tea can be used to treat stomach problems, vomiting, and hiccups. This tea’s natural digestive characteristics make it an excellent choice after a heavy lunch.

Thyme (Za’atar)

Za’atar tea is beneficial to both the mind and the stomach, as it improves memory and cleanses the stomach. This tea is high in antioxidants and can help prevent aging from within.

Cardamom (Hal)

Cardamom tea is popular in the Arab world due to its powerful aroma. It is sometimes blended with coffee and has traditionally been used to improve digestion and stimulate saliva flow. It is consumed before meals to prepare the enzymes for nutritional absorption.

Despite being one of the most costly spices on the market, cardamom is still gathered by hand for its numerous Arab consumers.

Health Benefits of Arabic Tea

You no longer need to fly to the Middle East to consume Arabia tea because you can obtain healthy tea here. The tea is brewed from natural leaves and honey and is popular all around the world.

Arabic tea is available in a variety of tastes, including natural honey, lime, and organic. Even yet, consuming the various types of tea described previously offers numerous health benefits. Improved brain function is one of them.

The tea contains antioxidants that reduce cancer risks as well as beneficial bioactive substances. You can take it to weight loss because it boosts fat burning and contains anti-aging qualities that will make you seem younger.

Teas also help the digestive tract while treating and avoiding type 2 diabetes. As a result, you can sip a cup of tea while fighting diseases in your body.

What is The Best Arabic Tea

Is there a top Arabic tea in the country, given the variety of Arabic teas available? To be honest, each one is the greatest because each tea is provided for a different reason. For example, maramia (sage tea) is commonly administered after a meal to aid digestion and relieve heartburn, as well as to prevent flatulence.

You may combine it with black tea, and it has a distinct flavor without caffeine when brewed on its own. The chamomile tea made with dried chamomile flowers has relaxing properties and is typically consumed at night.

While anise tea is a fantastic drink for treating flu symptoms, promoting digestion, and relieving crams. Then there’s spearmint mint tea, which can assist with seasonal colds and sensitivities.

Following that is black tea, a common tea in most Arab kitchens, combined with thyme tea to assist boost memory and cleansing the stomach. Cardamom tea, which is taken before meals to assist digestion and stimulate saliva production, remains the most popular Arabic tea.

How Do You Make This Delicious Arabic Tea

Now that you’re aware of the health benefits, there are several ways to prepare Arabic tea.

Loomi Tea

The tea has a zesty flavor from dried limes, or the Arabs use Limoo Amani. While the traditional method of making tea is lengthy, we have a simple recipe for you here. For hot summer days, add some borage blossoms to give them a somewhat minty flavor.

If you can’t find dried lemons, you can use lime peels from the baking area of the supermarket. So put on your apron and prepare yourself a cup of tea to enjoy at home. The following ingredients are required:


  • Two dried limes that can be black or brown
  • Four cups of water
  • Honey and sugar to taste
  • Optional 12 borage flowers


Put your limes in a small food bag now.

The limes are then cracked open with the back of a knife.

Next, add the parts to your saucepan and cover with water. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce to low heat and leave to simmer for five minutes for a subtle taste or ten minutes for a powerful flavor.

To remove the limes, strain your tea into a teapot or a jug.

Fill your glasses halfway with tea and sweeten to taste with honey and sugar.

You can garnish each glass with borage blossoms.

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