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Is Kamut Gluten Free?

by Muhammad Nabeel
Is Kamut Gluten Free?

Is Kamut gluten-free? This is the question that may arise in your mind whenever you talk about or hear about Kamut. To get your answer just keep reading.

Kamut Grain is the source of Kamut flour.

Is Kamut Gluten-Free?

The short answer is no. It is an ancient form of wheat.

But is it healthier than other types of wheat? KAMUT® wheat, also known as Khorasan wheat, is an ancient grain that has been eaten for thousands of years. Could this ancient wheat be the answer to eating pasta again?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve realized that foods containing gluten can be a problem for many reasons.

Gluten sensitivity is real and very common. In this post you will learn about KAMUT wheat gluten and how it compares to modern wheat, he is not one but many plant species. Kamut wheat (Triticum turgidum or Triticum turanicum) is considered an ancient grain along with einkorn, emmer, and spelling.

KAMUT (Khorasan Wheat) is grown only on certified organic farms and is genetically different from modern wheat.

Gene Significance: KAMUT is a tetraploid grain with 4 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 28. In contrast, modern wheat is hexaploid, meaning 6 pairs of chromosomes, with a total of 42 chromosomes.

Is Kamut Gluten-Free?

KAMUT is also made from wild grass. In contrast, modern whole wheat has been cross-bred and has never been found in the wild.

Khorasan wheat is believed to have been cultivated for over 12,000 years and is believed to be one of the first crops to date to the Neolithic period and may have been eaten during the Paleolithic period as well. . In contrast, today’s modern wheat was developed only after his twentieth century.

Khorasan Wheat was repopulated by organic wheat farmers in Montana who trademarked KAMUT, so it will always be grown in an old-fashioned, sustainable, and organic way.

Modern Gluten vs KAMUT Gluten

Modern wheat is a far cry from the whole wheat our ancestors ate. that is:

  • Genetic recombination/over-hybridization many times often strongly sprayed
  • Treat with chemical fertilizer
  • Grown in an unsustainable way
  • Contains 3x more gluten than ancient grains

On the other hand, KAMUT® wheat, also known as Khorasan wheat, is one of the organic ancient grain varieties belonging to ancient wheat.

Modern wheat has been crossbred so many times and sometimes sprayed with heavy chemicals that comparing it to Kamut wheat is like comparing apples and oranges.

Kamut wheat is believed to have originated in ancient Egyptian burial chambers and has remained essentially unchanged for thousands of years.

Protected as KAMUT®, you can be sure that you are getting the right kind of Khorasan wheat. You can also get organic grains from this brand, which is USDA-certified organic.

There are some Kamut recipes you can try too.

Is Kamut Gluten-Free?

Is Kamut Gluten-Free?

Number Kamut differs significantly from most wheat varieties, but it does contain gluten. Those with celiac disease should avoid Kamut and avoid grains and products that contain gluten.

However, if you have gluten sensitivity or intolerance, research suggests that KAMUT gluten flour products may be more tolerant than modern wheat.

Kamut Nutrition

Kamut is rich in nutrients and in many ways nutritionally superior to modern wheat crops. For example, KAMUT is:

  • Great for reducing oxidative stress
  • High fiber
  • Contains more minerals
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • High in vitamin E
  • Has more antioxidants
  • Polyphenol
  • Flavonoid
  • Carotenoid
  • High in protein

Is Kamut Gluten Different?

Ancient grains like Kamut flour have a slightly different type of gluten than typical whole grains.

Since the T-cell response to KAMUT gluten is lower than that of modern wheat, the KAMUT gluten type is less likely to cause an immune response or allergy.

Because Kamut has fewer chromosomes, it is less likely to overstimulate the immune system and is considered less of a concern for people with autoimmune diseases than most wheat varieties currently on the market.

However, Kamut generally contains more gluten than modern wheat. Some people need to avoid gluten completely. People with celiac disease or severe gluten allergies should follow a gluten-free diet.

KAMUT: Better for Diabetes? Studies show KAMUT may be more effective for diabetes than modern wheat.

For example, modern wheat or Kamut wheat was given to people hospitalized with heart disease. In the group receiving KAMUT, slight increases in glucose (8% decrease) and insulin (25% decrease) were seen. rice field. Although this was a small study, it highlights the fact that ancient KAMUT grains are probably healthier for diabetes than most flours.

Is KAMUT’s Heart Healthy?

KAMUT flour has also been compared to average flour when it comes to heart health. Two small studies found that KAMUT lowered harmful LDL cholesterol better than whole wheat flour.

Both studies showed that it lowered LDL by about 8% more than regular whole wheat [R]. The Kamut group had improved antioxidant status and decreased inflammatory markers.

Kamut Nutritional Benefits

Kamut is a gluten-free, nutrient-rich whole grain. Compared to regular white flour, Kamut flour is rich in protein and fiber.

Rich in Protein

One serving of cooked Kamut provides 10 grams of protein. Protein keeps you feeling full, promotes lean muscle growth, and may aid in weight loss. A typical protein requirement for most adults is about 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. This means that a 68 kg (150 lb) person needs about 54 grams of protein per day for her. One serving of cooked Kamut provides nearly 20% of your daily protein needs.

Kamut is not a complete protein (it contains all essential amino acids). Including Kamut in a balanced diet may provide all of these essential amino acids.

High in Fiber

One cup of cooked Kamut contains 7 grams of fiber, equivalent to 30% of the daily requirement for an adult.
Fiber benefits gut health by providing probiotics, beneficial bacteria that help nourish the natural gut microbiome. Also, play a role.

Fiber also helps keep you feeling full and can slow blood sugar spikes. Soluble fiber (like that found in oats) is particularly beneficial in lowering “bad” LDL cholesterol.

High-Quality Iron Source

Iron is a mineral that helps make proteins in red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. A lack of iron can make you more likely to feel tired and weak due to iron deficiency anemia.

Anemia becomes a problem when you go vegan. Most iron-rich foods are meat, but that doesn’t mean plant foods aren’t rich in iron. about 10% of the RDA of the

Excellent Source of Vitamin B

B vitamins include niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin. B vitamins help the body utilize the energy obtained from food. Kamut is an excellent source of thiamine (vitamin B1) and niacin (vitamin B3).


Kamut is an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral important for nerve and muscle regulation, promotes healthy blood sugar levels, and balances blood pressure.

If you suffer from migraines, listen up. Magnesium intake is effective in treating and preventing migraines, especially if the headache has an aura.


Phosphorus, along with calcium, is an important mineral for healthy bones. This phosphorus is part of cell membranes, bones, and teeth. Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the body, accounting for approximately 1% of body weight.
One serving of cooked Kamut provides just over 20% of the recommended amount of phosphorus for adults.


Selenium is a mineral that helps prevent cell damage from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is involved in the aging process and may even promote the growth of certain types of cancer.

One serving of cooked Kamut covers nearly 60% of your daily needs for selenium.

FAQs Related Is Kamut Gluten Free?

Can I eat Kamut every day?

Kamut wheat is safe to consume as food. Remember that Kamut contains gluten. Known to be less gluten and easier to digest than whole grains, Kamut is best avoided if you have celiac disease.

Does Kamut have less gluten than wheat?

Gluten content and allergen information
Although it contains more gluten than regular wheat, its gluten content makes it easy to digest. Vegans prefer Kamut, which has a relatively high protein content. Kamut is a wheat variety and therefore contains gluten

What is the lowest gluten grain?

Although some grains contain gluten, there are some naturally gluten-free grains that can be enjoyed by those on a gluten-free diet. These include corn, millet, amaranth, teff, and buckwheat. Most of these gluten-free grains are available at grocery stores.

Is Kamut ok for gluten sensitivity?

If you’re wondering if Kamut® is gluten-free, the answer is no. As a close relative of durum wheat, it is not recommended as an alternative grain for those on a gluten-free diet.


Gluten-free food is now a very big need for people out there. Finding that Kamut has gluten might affect its use in people’s daily life and routine. But if you have no problem-consuming gluten then whats stopping you to use Kamut?

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