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Major Information Regarding Sushi Fluke Everyone Must Have to Know

by Rameen Nadeem
Published: Last Updated on 231 views
sushi fluke

Fluke sushi, also known as Hirame in Japanese, is very popular in sushi restaurants, especially in the Northeast where it’s also a targeted game fish. Fluke has beautiful white meat. The top side fillet has a translucent look, in contrast to the bottom fillet. The flavor is subtle and smooth, and not overpowering compared to other stronger fish like, salmon. This is a great item to order if you’re a first-time sashimi eater.

What Does Sushi Fluke Taste Like?

Raw sushi fluke has a firm texture. The flavor of fluke is very mild and slightly sweet. It also has a faint briny flavor like seawater.

If you never had raw fish before, Sushi fluke is a good choice before jumping into something more adventurous like Uni or Ikura (salmon roe). Those items pack a high intensity of ocean flavor that might freak you out if you aren’t ready.

Sushi Fluke

Sushi fluke is very mild so it’s a great fish to test your culinary skills with, besides just making nigiri and sashimi. I like it with a little bit of Kimchee Base, it’s a great sauce for enhancing the flavor but not too overpowering. You can try making a sushi roll, chirashi bowl, sashimi salad, etc. Experiment for yourself.  Below are just some ideas.

These are great for sashimi. Sushi chefs never waste this part. The texture is slightly crunchy and has a bouncy chew to it. I suggest cutting it up into smaller pieces and mixing it with green onion and ponzu or Kimchi Base.

sushi fluke

The Health Benefits of Sushi

Sushi comes in such a staggering variety that many menus offer a pictorial glossary to help you order. Because of this diversity, the nutritional value of one roll to the next can vary. In general, fish provides a lean source of low-calorie, high-quality protein. It’s also low in saturated fats and cholesterol, making it a heart-healthy food choice. Salmon is especially high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are linked to improved cholesterol levels, lowered blood pressure, and decreased risk of abnormal heart rhythms. Mackerel, lake trout, herring, and tuna also have omega oomph.

Iodine, essential for proper hormone function, is abundant in this dried sea vegetable. You’ll also get the benefit of magnesium, calcium, iron, antioxidant phytonutrients, and folic acid from eating rolls wrapped in nori.

We also deeply talked about Is Sushi Healthy to Eat? you may check this.

sushi fluke

The Health Risks of Sushi Fluke

Consider these risks as you peruse that multi-colored sushi menu:

Covert calories: Since sushi ingredients get rolled up into such tiny packages, it’s easy to think you’re eating a tiny amount of calories and fat. One plain tuna roll can have less than 200 calories, but add in embellishments like mayonnaise, fried tempura bits, or cream cheese, and you’ve got yourself one concentrated bundle of fat and calories. Eat one crunchy shrimp tempura roll, for instance, and you’re gobbling over 500 calories and 20 g of fat! Both soy sauce and wasabi are low-calorie condiments, but soy sauce can send sodium levels soaring.

Foodborne Illnesses

Eating uncooked fish can expose you to bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Roundworm, for example, is a threadlike parasite that can burrow into the stomach and cause painful symptoms that mimic appendicitis. Some kinds of sushi rolls include uncooked fish, but safe and reputable chefs use only fish that has been frozen. The deep freeze will kill off parasites, rendering the fish safer to consume. However, deep freezing will not kill bacteria – it will only stop or slow down their growth until the temperature warms up again. Eating raw fish inherently comes with an increased risk of foodborne illness compared to eating cooked fish.

Mercury Levels

The open waters of rivers, lakes, and the sea expose fish to mercury, a known neurotoxin. When we, in turn, eat those fish, some of the mercury transfers to our bodies. Large, predatory fish tend to have the highest mercury levels. This includes the fresh and frozen tuna commonly found in sushi, as well as swordfish, marlin, and shark. Young children, pregnant women, and women planning to get pregnant are advised to minimize their consumption of these fish. Overall, Health Canada advises that the health benefits of fish outweigh the risks of mercury exposure.

sushi fluke
What are the side effects of sushi fluke?

It’s possible to get an infectious disease when eating raw fish in sushi or sashimi. These could be caused by a worm, like anisakiasis, or a bacteria, such as Salmonella or listeriosis. Many of these infections can cause digestive symptoms, including diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Is sushi healthy or unhealthy?

The combination of fish, rice, and seasonings makes sushi a perfect food part of a healthy meal pattern. Sushi can fit into almost any diet as part of a healthy way of eating.

Is sushi fluke good for high blood pressure?

With Omega-3 fatty acids, eating sushi can reduce blood pressure levels in those suffering from high blood pressure. Omega-3 fatty acids can also raise good HDL cholesterol, fight body inflammation, prevent artery plaque, and prevent harmful blood clots.

Can a sushi fluke affect your heart?

Sushi rice is high in high-glycemic-index carbohydrates, which can quickly elevate your blood sugar levels. Sharp rises in your blood sugar levels after eating can damage the fragile blood vessels in your heart and predispose you to heart disease. Stick to high-quality sushi with a minimal amount of rice.

Is sushi healthy for the liver?

Raw tuna and other oily fish contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. These may reduce inflammation and the amount of liver fat. They may also prevent further liver damage. A healthy diet and regular exercise are the best ways to manage and prevent liver damage that stems from NAFLD.


Fluke has beautiful white meat. The top side fillet has a translucent look, in contrast to the bottom fillet. The flavor is subtle and smooth, and not overpowering compared to other stronger fish like, salmon. This is a great item to order if you’re a first-time sashimi eater. These may reduce inflammation and the amount of liver fat. They may also prevent further liver damage.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are the best ways to manage and prevent liver damage that stems from NAFLD. Some kinds of sushi rolls include uncooked fish, but safe and reputable chefs use only fish that has been frozen. The deep freeze will kill off parasites, rendering the fish safer to consume. However, deep freezing will not kill bacteria – it will only stop or slow down their growth until the temperature warms up again. Eating raw fish inherently comes with an increased risk of foodborne illness compared to eating cooked fish.

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