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Strawberry Popcorn Recipe – How to Make it?

by Khadija Tahir
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Strawberry Popcorn Recipe - How to Make it?

This strawberry popcorn is enhanced with strawberry sugar made with freeze-dried strawberries. It suggests a flavor like pot corn with a sprinkle of strawberry!

What is Strawberry Popcorn?

Popcorn is by warming corn parts that contain starch. It is an extremely famous bite everywhere. A few kinds of corn (Zea mays) are become exclusively for popping corn.

Eating popcorn can give numerous medical advantages because of its supplement profile and low-carbohydrate content. As one cup (8 g) of popcorn contains just 31 calories and a respectable measure of fiber, it is the ideal nibble for anybody attempting to get fitter.

Strawberry Popcorn Fixings

Clearly, the popcorn portions and oil are significant (if not you wouldn’t have anything to prepare, or your home would ceaselessly have consumed popcorn), however, the freeze-dried strawberries are presumably the main part for us to discuss.

Freeze Dried Strawberries

Freeze-dried strawberries are dried until they’re fresh. The freshness doesn’t exactly make any difference for this recipe, regardless of the absence of water or the concentrated flavor.

Try not to substitute new or frozen strawberries for the frozen strawberries here; they’re wet to such an extent that they would make the popcorn, and that’s what nobody needs.

The solid flavor comes from disposing of all the excess dampness and makes this ideal for enhancing some popcorn.

I normally purchase freeze-dried strawberries from Merchants Joe’s, however, I’ve additionally seen them at Target and Super Walmart, and I’m certain you can find them at Fledglings, Entire Food varieties, or another better quality regular supermarket.

How to Make Strawberry Popcorn?

Strawberry Popcorn Recipe - How to Make it?

I like to make the strawberry preparing first so that it’s all set once the popcorn is, and it’s not sitting around idly.

In this way, we should do that.

Place the freeze-dried strawberries, sugar, and salt in a blender or food processor. Mix/process until the strawberries are for the most part into powder, scratching down within the compartment if necessary. Put the strawberry sugar away until further notice while you pop the popcorn portions.

Shower oil over the warm popcorn, then, at that point, add the strawberry preparation and throw to cover. Serve inside for a couple of hours!

Strawberry Popcorn Tips

There are at least a couple of tips for ensuring that the popcorn gets equitably covered.

Ensure there’s sufficient oil: it could seem like a ton of oil, yet this oil is vital in ensuring that all the flavoring sticks. I’ve most certainly attempted to hold back, and there was a lot of deserted preparing at the lower part of the bowl, so don’t do that.

I wouldn’t suggest involving a spray, therefore, since sorting out how much oil you’re adding is difficult.

Separate the strawberries: the strawberries ought to for the most part be separated into powder; it’s fine if there are a couple of pieces left, yet the better, since the powder adheres better to the popcorn.

Spread the oil and prepare everywhere: showering the oil, as well as sprinkling the strawberry sugar, over the popcorn is all key (don’t dump the oil and sugar in one spot). I have also written an article on Make Strawberry Rhubarb Jam Recipe in Easy Way.

Strawberry Popcorn Hardware

Pop the popcorn any way you would like. My folks have an air popper which makes things extremely simple (might I venture to say secure?), so I’d say utilize that assuming you have one.

I don’t have an air popper at home, however, and I’m most certainly not going to get one (I’d much prefer to spend my cash on voyaging and costly dinners). Would it be a good idea for you to be in a comparable situation as me, as long as you have a major pot, you’re all set.

Add oil and popcorn to the pot, set over medium intensity in the oven, then, at that point, cover it. Shake the pot (kindly wear broiler gloves!) with the top on while you hear the popping commotions, then switch off the intensity when you hear the popping clamors die down.

A sack of microwave popcorn likewise works! Ensure it’s not pre-prepared, and assuming it accompanies oil or spread, don’t bother adding more before utilizing the strawberry sugar. Read more about Is Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie Recipe Good to Drink?

Strawberry PopcornMake Ahead

I could do without making popcorn somewhat early, regardless of whether the popcorn is put away in a sealed shut compartment. It’s not exactly as new, so I’d suggest making however much you can eat soon.

Strawberry Popcorn Varieties


This is a strawberry popcorn post, however, that shouldn’t prevent you from trying different things with other hold-up dried natural products! Cinnamon apple popcorn seems as though it’d be astounding, particularly throughout the fall.


This recipe is composed to utilize canola or vegetable oil. That being said, you can utilize spread, nut oil, or some other fat you’d like.

I’ve likewise tried this with coconut oil, and it was certainly more rich tasting than canola oil. Not something terrible, only something to note on the off chance that you’re considering utilizing coconut oil! Another on Best Uses of Frozen Strawberries.

Strawberry Popcorn Benefits

Strawberry Popcorn Recipe - How to Make it?

May Help with Weight Reduction

Popcorn is a satisfying food, i.e., it encourages you. It is 1.6 times more satisfying than potato chips. Hence, it decreases the sensation of craving and assists in making do with bodying weight. A cup of air-popped popcorn likewise contains just 31 calories.

Popcorn can be prepared with other solid fixings like flavors and nuts to make it taste better and, surprisingly, better.

May Diminish The Gamble of Coronary Illness

Cereals, for example, maize might help in diminishing the gamble elements of coronary heart illnesses. It contains polyunsaturated oil, and fiber found in maize may likewise assist with lessening LDL cholesterol in your body.

Besides, entire grain food sources contain a low measure of soaked fats and terrible cholesterol, which might help in lessening the gamble of coronary illness. Notwithstanding, balance is key while eating popcorn.

Strawberry Popcorn May Lessen Blockage

Popcorn contains a lot of fiber, which can further develop your stomach’s well-being. Dietary fiber admission can forestall and treat obstruction in kids and grown-ups. Notwithstanding, research connecting popcorn utilization with overseeing clogging is restricted.

May Work on Stomach Related Wellbeing

As per a review directed at the College of Miami, corn fiber further develops laxation (relaxing of the gut). Adding corn fiber to your eating regimen additionally lessens stomach inconvenience. These activities together may further develop your stomach-related well-being when you eat popcorn with some restraint.

Strawberry Popcorn May Advance Skin Wellbeing

Popcorn contains cell reinforcements called polyphenols. Polyphenols are normally happening synthetic compounds got from plants, natural products, and vegetables. They battle oxidative pressure to safeguard your skin from any harm.

Dietary polyphenols likewise forestall UV-actuated skin photodamage and diminish the gamble of skin disease. In any case, more examination is expected to comprehend how popcorn can work on your skin.

While popcorn itself is a nutritious food, you might add things to it that make it unfortunate. For instance, adding heaps of spread, salt, or oil to your popcorn builds the calorie and immersed fat substance and refutes a portion of its advantages.

Strawberry Popcorn May Disturb Gastrointestinal Problems

Popcorn parts might cause enormous entrail checks by shaping a phytobezoar. Gastric bezoars cause stomach torment, indigestion, and expansion. In the little gut, they can cause obstruction, sickness, retching, stomach torment, distension, looseness of the bowels, loss of hunger, and weight reduction.

Shortening of Breath and Wheezing

Margarine-seasoned microwave popcorn contains diacetyl, which can cause a condition called popcorn lung (bronchiolitis obliterans). Windedness and wheezing are side effects of popcorn lung. Diacetyl is likewise perilous when it is breathed in huge sums. Notwithstanding, this is an exceptionally uncommon symptom of popcorn.

Hypersensitive Response

Individuals who are sensitive to corn ought to try not to eat popcorn. Look for surefire clinical assistance assuming you experience side effects like an enlarged mouth or trouble relaxing.

Individuals with provocative entrail infection ought to likewise stay away from popcorn as it might cause inside bothering. Nonetheless, insufficient exploration exists in such a manner.

The greater part of these secondary effects are uncommon and die down in a little while with clinical help.

If you want to see more then watch this video. One famous advantage related to popcorn utilization is weight reduction. Figure out how popcorn assists with weight reduction in the following segment.

Might You at Any Point Eat Strawberry Popcorn For Weight Reduction?

Strawberry Popcorn Recipe - How to Make it?

When matched with a decent eating routine, popcorn can support weight reduction. Air-popped popcorn (with no additional flavors) is low in calories, fat, and sugar and high in fiber.

Popcorn additionally decreases appetite and assists in dealing with your body with weighting. You want to ensure that you add no greasy flavors (like spread or oil) to it.

Popcorn is a preferable nibble over potato chips and margarine treats. It is normally sans fat and low in sugar, so you can enjoy it with no concern.

Notwithstanding, there is one thing that you want to remember. If you are eating microwave popcorn or locally acquired popcorn routinely, you might be taking in a ton of additional salt and calories, as well as possibly hurtful counterfeit fixings.

Subsequently, hand-crafted popcorn made with olive oil or avocado oil can be a solid expansion to your eating regimen. Popcorn is an entire grain, so it effectively squeezes into many eating regimens. Be that as it may, can individuals with diabetes eat it? Continue to look to know more.

Is Strawberry Popcorn Smart For Individuals With Diabetes?

Popcorn is a decent decision for those that have diabetes. Even though it is a carb, it is a carb high in fiber. This implies that it won’t spike your sugar levels so a lot. To have better control of your sugar levels, take a stab at adding sound fat alongside popcorn. For instance, have some popcorn with almonds as a solid bite.


The medical advantages of popcorn can be ascribed to the entire grain and supplements in it. It is low calorific worth likewise adds to these advantages. Popcorn advances satiety and helps in weight reduction. Also, the fiber in popcorn diminishes LDL cholesterol levels and limits the gamble of cardiovascular sicknesses.

Might you at any point pop strawberry popcorn?

The 2-3″ long ears look like huge strawberries, thus the name Strawberry Popcorn. The corn stalks for this assortment are normally 4-5′ tall at development and will create 2-4 ears for every tail. This popcorn is perfect for fall enrichment, yet additionally is very scrumptious when popped. Gather the ears once the plants are dried and brown.

Is Strawberry popcorn eatable?

Strawberry popcorn can be utilized as decorative or tasty popped corn! This lovely popcorn is frequently developed for its elaborate quality, yet has a heavenly crunch and taste when utilized as a popped corn.

Is popcorn a low-quality food?

At the point when it’s air-popped and daintily prepared, popcorn is a productively solid tidbit. That is because it is an entire grain, and high-fiber entire grains have been connected to a lower chance of coronary illness, diabetes, a few malignant growths, and other medical conditions.

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