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The Best High Fiber Keto Foods

by Amna Munir

One of the most common adverse effects of a ketogenic diet is constipation. The good news is that there are several high-fiber keto foods. That available can ease constipation as well as encourage bowel movement. There are some keto fiber hints as well as tips in this article.

Constipation is a typical side effect of the keto diet, as you may have observed if you have been following it for some time. This is because a ketogenic diet may cause your body to lack fiber, which is necessary to maintain your digestive tract functioning properly.

Along with this, dietary keto fiber is a form of non-digestible carbohydrate that is found in diets made out of plants. Even though fiber on the keto diet well recognizes. Additionally, it supports overall health by giving stool bulk, which promotes bowel movements.

While fiber-replacing supplements can be helpful, high-fiber keto foods are also crucial to make sure your diet contains enough high-fiber keto meals. Today’s article will discuss some of the top keto-fiber meals that can ease constipation as well as encourage bowel movement.


Benefits of High-Fiber Keto Foods

Even while following a ketogenic diet, fiber is crucial. Here is further information on why you still need to make sure you are consuming enough high-fiber keto foods, even if there are many health benefits to doing so when on a low-carb diet.

Reduces Disease

Consuming a diet high fiber keto foods reduces your risk of getting:

  • Stroke
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes or obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Certain digestive disorders

Later in age, these diseases are less likely to manifest in those who consume high-fiber diets. Because of this, oatmeal boxes often include labels that read heart healthy. While it’s true that whole grains can decrease cholesterol, broccoli also has the same health advantages.

High Fiber Keto Foods Body Health

Some of the main health advantages of high-fiber keto foods meals include better digestion as well as intestinal health. The beneficial bacteria in your stomach are fed by soluble fiber, which makes them more productive.

High Fiber Keto Foods Prolongs your Life

Increased dietary high-fiber keto foods consumption, particularly from cereal, may lower your chance of dying from all malignancies as well as cardiovascular disease, according to studies.

High Fiber Keto Foods Blood Sugar and Heart Health

High-fiber keto foods are crucial. You just need to make sure you are eating the right kind. Along with this, it can lower blood pressure, improve glycemia, as well as increase insulin sensitivity.

For instance, because celery contains neither glucose nor carbohydrates, eating it won’t cause your body to release more insulin. Consuming vegetables and dietary fiber may help with weight loss. Your metabolism runs more smoothly when you consume insoluble fiber from produce.

High Fiber Keto Foods Encourages Achieving a Healthy Weight

You will probably eat less and feel fuller longer if you consume high-fiber foods instead of low-fiber ones because they are usually more satisfying. Additionally, high-fiber foods take longer to consume and are less energy dense, which means they contain fewer calories per unit of food.

High Fiber Keto Foods


Let’s take a deeper look at the greatest sources of high-fiber keto foods for you if you follow a ketogenic diet now that you are aware of what fiber is and why you don’t necessarily need to eat entire grains to obtain enough of it.

Fiber is very important in the keto diet, as you now understand. You probably get enough fiber if you consume low-carb vegetables, chances are.


Avocados have a lot of fiber in addition to being a good source of healthy fats. Along with this, a little less than 4 grams of net carbs as well as 13.5 grams of fiber are included in one avocado.


Popular among keto dieters is broccoli as a vegetable. Also, it contains a ton of incredible nutrients and as such is naturally low in carbohydrates. Along with this, it is a fantastic source of vitamin K, which aids in controlling calcium levels.

Along with this, it also contains significant amounts of potassium for your muscles as well as vitamin C for your immune system. 2.4 grams of fiber are included in each cup of chopped broccoli.

Chia Seeds

Any recipe can easily include chia seeds. You may add them to your breakfast hash, smoothies, fat explosions, and even smoothies to bulk them up.

Chia seeds have 10 grams of fiber and 2 grams of net carbohydrates per ounce. They are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, as well as calcium in addition to fiber.

Flax Seeds

Another ingredient that many adore adding to smoothies, as well as other dishes, is flax seeds. They are loaded with vitamins B, and magnesium, as well as proteins. Nearly 2 grams of fiber are included in one tablespoon of ground flaxseed.

Collard Green

Southern cuisine frequently uses collard greens. They can be eaten raw as well as fried. Along with this, it is a multipurpose superfood that has a deep, green hue and is packed with nutrients that are good for the heart.

Antioxidants included in collard greens help in ridding your body of dangerous free radicals. Additionally, they are rich in energetic B vitamins, and vitamin C, as well as vitamins A and C. Cooked collard greens have 8 grams of fiber per cup.


Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable, just like broccoli. Additionally, it has anti-cancer ingredients. Did you realize it is beneficial to your brain as well? That is correct. Choline, which is necessary for memory and learning, is found in cauliflower.

Three grams of fiber are included in every cup of cauliflower high-fiber keto foods. Along with this, our bodies are unable to digest or break down the excellent high-fiber meals found in fruits, veggies, and grains. Intestinal cancer may be prevented by fiber, which can also lower cholesterol as well as improve blood sugar control.


The good news for mushroom enthusiasts is that mushrooms make a great ketogenic food. Mushrooms have so many health advantages as well as high-fiber keto foods.

They strengthen your immune system and include high levels of potassium, C, and B vitamins. Additionally, a great calcium source is mushrooms. 1.3 grams of fiber can find in a cup of chopped raw portobello mushrooms high-fiber keto foods.


Asparagus is another very high-fiber green veggie. This vegetable is healthy for you; try to incorporate it into your meals. With 46% of your daily intake in one cup, it is one of the best sources of vitamin K.

Additionally, it has a lot of folates, which is excellent for pregnant women. 1.8 grams of fiber are present in a half cup of asparagus.


Riboflavin, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, as well as vitamin E, are all present in almonds among a whole list of other nutrients.

Almonds have 3.3 grams of fiber per ounce. Sugar-free almond butter is one of your favorite ways to eat almonds since it is so rich as well as creamy high-fiber keto foods.


The small slice of coconut meat approximately two inches by two inches has roughly 3 g of net carbohydrates as well as 4 g of fiber. You can add that it also serves to make you gain weight. Look for this in various grocery shops’ freezer departments. However, if it is not available where you are, choose unsweetened shredded coconut.


Finding fruit that fits into a ketogenic diet can be challenging, but raspberries are a particularly suitable option for high-fiber keto food due to their fiber content. 4g of fiber, as well as 3.3 g of net carbohydrates, are present in a half cup of fresh raspberries. Think about making frozen raspberries into a syrupy topping for keto pancakes by boiling them down.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers high-fiber keto foods come in a range of hues, and cooking with them is so much pleasure. Along with this, it turns out that they are also quite healthy for you. They are all packed with immune-supporting vitamins C and E. Bell peppers that have been diced contain 3.1 grams of fiber per cup.

Keto High Fiber Crackers Recipe

These flavorful, high-fiber keto crackers have the ideal pleasing texture. You may eat them as a snack on your own as well as add them to your favorite salsas as well as dips.

Prep TimeCook TimeTotal TimeServings
10 minutes30 minutes40 minutes20


  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 cup of water
  • ¼ cup of chia seeds
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • ½ teaspoon of sea-salt
  • ¼ cup of whole flax seeds
  • ¼ teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of dried basil leaves
  • 2 teaspoons of psyllium powder
  • ¼ teaspoon of red pepper flakes
  • 1 teaspoon of dried oregano leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of black sesame seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of white sesame seeds
  • ½ cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
  • ½ cup of finely ground parmesan cheese
  • ½ cup of freshly ground parmesan cheese
  • 3 tablespoons of avocado or olive oil or any other healthy oil of your choice


  • Heat the oven to 350 degrees
  • Combine the cheeses, coconut flour, psyllium powder, seeds, herbs, and spices in a sizable mixing dish. Stir thoroughly to mix
  • Add the water, oil, and egg to this mixture and whisk until a doughy substance is formed
  • The dough should be divided in half and thinly rolled out between two parchment paper sheets. The dough will be crispier the thinner you roll it out
  • The dough should be cut into crackers with a pizza cutter and placed on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the sides are gently browned
  • The entire cracker dough can also be baked in two batches for a more natural shape
  • After baking and letting them cool, you can break them into bigger, more manageable pieces


Everybody needs high-fiber keto foods regardless of their dietary strategy. The greatest, as well as the safest thing you can do if you are trying the keto diet, is to work with a qualified dietitian who is familiar with it to create a menu that will satisfy your nutritional requirements.

Constipation of high-fiber keto foods defines as having fewer than three bowel motions per week as well as having stools that are firm, dry, or challenging to pass. Constipation is one of the most typical side effects of a ketogenic diet.

There are various high-fiber keto foods, which is fantastic news. That is readily available and can promote bowel movement and alleviate constipation. Talk to your doctor if increasing your fiber intake, consuming more water, as well as engaging in physical activity do not help things along.

How much fiber should adults and kids consume daily?

For both adults and children, a daily fiber intake of 14 g or 1000 kcal is advised. Adults and children both require the same amount of fiber.

How should you consume fiber while following a ketogenic diet?

The easiest approach to increase your fiber intake while on the keto diet is to eat raw veggies as well as low-carb fruits. However, if you find it difficult to consume enough fruits and vegetables, you can also purchase keto fiber supplements.

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