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Healthy Granola Bar Nutrition Facts

by Khadija Tahir
Published: Last Updated on 282 views
Healthy Granola Bar Nutrition Facts

Many individuals consider granola bar nutrition facts a helpful and sound bite and partake in their flavor and flexibility. At times, granola bars can be a decent wellspring of fiber and protein to assist with checking desires between dinners. Be that as it may, some contain as much sugar, carbs, and calories as sweet treats.

Granola Bar Nutrition Facts

Granola bars are produced using fixings like oats, dried natural products, nuts, seeds, honey, coconut, and chocolate chips.

The healthy benefit of granola bars can differ extraordinarily contingent upon the brand and fixings utilized.

However numerous assortments are stacked with more sugar and calories, and a few better choices are accessible too.

Here is a correlation between the dietary profiles of two famous granola bars.

  • Calories 200
  • Protein 5 grams
  • Carbs 13 grams
  • Sugar 7 grams
  • Fiber 4 grams
  • Fat 15 grams

While the later granola bar is lower in calories, it also holds fundamentally less fiber and protein. As well as twofold how much sugar the main bar is.

Most granola bars have around 100-300 calories, 1-10 grams of protein, and 1-7 grams of fiber in a solitary serving.

Many also contain micronutrients, including B nutrients, calcium, magnesium, and iron, which are either found in the fixings or added through the fortress during assembling.

Logical Benefits of Granola Bar Nutrition Facts

Granola bars are favorable, monetary display pleasant, and helpful yet also even. Which makes it more clear to go without pigging out.

Truly, some investigation suggests that even food sources could be useful with respect to the heaviness of the leaders.

For example, one 12-week focus on 183 people found that following a supper plan that included eating preportioned food sources provoked more important weight and fat mishaps than a standard self-picked diet.

Additionally, granola bars that contain strong trimmings like oats, nuts, seeds, and dried normal items can make a beneficial development to any eating schedule.

In particular, oats are an unbelievable root of beta-glucan, a sort of fiber. That can help with lessening levels of total and LDL cholesterol, the two best factors for coronary sickness.

Meanwhile, nuts, seeds, and dried regular items have been shown to assist glucose with controlling and heart prosperity.

Potential Disadvantages of Granola Bar Nutrition Facts

Granola bars are much of the time thinking about a solid bite, however regardless of these promoting claims, many are stacked with added sugar, calories, and fake fixings.

For instance, Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Collect granola bars can contain as much as 15 grams of sugar for each serving — generally from added sugar. This likens to almost 4 teaspoons.

For reference, the latest Dietary Rules for Americans suggest restricting day-to-day calories from added sugar to 10% of all out calories, or 12 teaspoons each day for somebody following a 2,000-calorie diet.

Concentrates on a show that over much added sugar utilization might put you at a higher gamble of a few persistent circumstances, including diabetes, stoutness, and coronary illness.

While some granola bars select to utilize sugar alcohols or counterfeit sugars to eliminate sugar content, these have been connected to medical issues also.

For example, sugar alcohols like xylitol and sorbitol are not completely separated in your body and may make stomach-related issues in individuals delicate their belongings.

Other fake sugars like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin are supported for use by the Food and Medication Organization (FDA).

In any case, research proposes that they might disrupt glucose control and could adversely influence your gainful stomach microbes.

Additionally, numerous granola bars are exceptionally handled and take in fixings like added sugars, vegetable oils, additives, and counterfeit flavors.

Studies show that maximum usage of handled and sweet food sources can expand your gamble of metabolic disorders, which is a gathering of conditions that can prompt diabetes, stroke, and coronary illness.

Instructions to Choose a Solid Granola Bar

While choosing a granola bar, it’s essential to check the fixing mark cautiously and pick items made generally from genuine food changes, like organic products, nuts, and grains.

Moreover, search for an item with under 10 grams of sugar, something like 5 grams of protein, and no less than 3 grams of fiber to assist with keeping you feeling in the middle between feasts.

When in doubt of thumb, avoid granola bars that rundown sugar or different sugars inside the initial three fixings. Note that fixings are recorded in sliding requests by weight.

Besides, pick items with restricted fixing records.

In the event that you’re watching your weight, investigate the calorie content and stick to bars with less than 250 calories for every serving.

On the other hand, you can select to make your own granola bars using only a couple of basic fixings.

To begin, consolidate the accompanying in a huge bowl:

  • 2 cups of oats
  • 1 cup of nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, and so forth.)
  • 1 cup (220 grams) of pressed dates
  • 1/4-1/2 cup (65-130 grams) of nut margarine
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) of maple syrup or honey
  • blend ins, for example, dried natural products, coconut drops, or chocolate chips

Make certain to beat the dates in a food processor for around one moment and warm the nut margarine and maple syrup or honey in a pan prior to adding them to the blend.

Mix the fixings together, add the blend to a lined baking dish or portion container, and permit it to set in the cooler for 20-25 minutes. Then, at that point, cut, serve, and appreciate.


Granola bars are a helpful, delightful, and versatile tidbit. In any case, numerous prepackaged assortments are high in sugar, calories, and fixings that might hurt your health.

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