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How to Make Korean Soy Sauce?

by Khadija Tahir
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How to Make Korean Soy Sauce?

Today I’m sharing an exceptionally flexible Korean soy sauce recipe. I ordinarily utilize this sauce with my different Korean flapjacks (Buchimgae and Dad Jeon: Kimchi hotcakes, Korean squid flapjacks, Korean potato flapjacks, Korean shellfish flapjacks, Fish cakes, Enoki mushrooms hotcakes, and gochujang hotcakes) and with Korean dumplings (Mandu: Kimchi dumplings and Seared frozen dumplings).

This sauce truly helps the general kind of these singular dishes and I should say, it’s exceptionally habit-forming! Its somewhat sweet and tart flavor weakens the sleekness of flapjacks and dumplings.

I regularly make this in two distinct ways by adding different discretionary fixings (yet serve them both simultaneously).

The primary rendition is a youngster (or non-fiery food darling) cordial variant and the other one is a zesty form. I will share the two techniques underneath. The beneath fixings are enough for 6 to 8 additional enormous hotcakes, so on the off chance that you make an excess, simply store them in the cooler for some time in the future (on the off chance that kept in an impermeable glass holder).

I truly want to believe that you check this out with your next Korean hotcakes or Korean dumplings!

Korean Soy Sauce Trimmings

How to Make Korean Soy Sauce?
  • 2 Tbsp crude sugar
  • 4 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 4 Tbsp water
  • 4 Tbsp rice vinegar


  • 10g (0.4 ounces) daintily cut onion pieces
  • 1/2 tsp Korean stew pieces (Gochugaru) – You can add something else for additional fieriness
  • 1/2 tsp minced garlic
  • 1/2 tsp broiled sesame seeds
  • 1/2 tsp sesame oil
  • 1/2 tsp (piled) finely cleaved green onion – You can add more if you like
  • 1 Green or red bean stew – I didn’t utilize this, however, to make it especially zesty sauce, you can add it


Blend these in a bowl and mix until the sugar breaks up. (I typically set up the sauce one day before I’m making the flapjacks and keep it refrigerated. The sugar will be broken up for the time being regardless of whether you mix it. You can likewise daintily heat the sauce over low intensity (or microwave it) just until the sugar breaks up to enliven the cycle. It should be chilled off before use.)

Korean Soy Sauce Benefits

Korean Soy Sauce Wellspring of Sodium

As indicated by the USDA, only one tablespoon of soy sauce offers 910 mg of sodium. Dietary sodium is fundamental for essential physical processes, including directing pulse and nerve transmission. Furthermore, a review shows that light soy sauce and dull soy have a place among the best 10 sodium sources in the Malaysian eating regimen.

In any case, eating over the prescribed measure of sodium or equivalent to more than 2,300 milligrams each day is unfortunate. I have written an article on Popular Types of Soy Sauce For You to Know.

Korean Soy Sauce Other to Salt

Soy sauce was a substitution when salt was an expensive ware in those days. It has a comparative taste to salt, however, contains lesser sodium. Due to soy sauce’s rich flavor, just less sauce can deliver a similar taste profile as table salt. Therefore, it can assist with monitoring your sodium consumption.

Besides, a review says that subbing table salt with normally fermented soy sauce didn’t bring down the taste power or charm of the food. Read more about Secret to Know About Maggi Soy Sauce.

Korean Soy Sauce Advances Processing

As per a review, the utilization of Japanese soy sauce, ‘Shoyu’ in restricted sums can help sound processing by helping the gastric plot in processing the food successfully. Soy sauce advances absorption too by upgrading gastric juice emission. Japanese-style matured soy sauce helps support the development of useful microscopic organisms in the gastrointestinal system since it’s aged.

Korean Soy Sauce Cell Reinforcement Properties

Soy sauce offers Shoyu flavones, a characteristic cell reinforcement. These normal cancer prevention agents safeguard your body from harm brought about by free revolutionaries.

The cell reinforcements in soy sauce can decrease the impact of irritation. Besides, results from a review express that dull soy sauce diminishes lipid peroxidation, a condition where free extremists assault lipids.

If you want to see more then watch this video.

Korean Soy Sauce Against Allergenic Properties

The Shoyu polysaccharides created during the aging system are expected to make soy sauce giving the intense enemy of hypersensitive capacities. A review says that soy sauce shows an extraordinary commitment to treating sensitivities because the members who ingested soy sauce displayed greater improvement in their sensitivities. Nonetheless, there are individuals with soy sauce sensitivities.

Potential Wellbeing Dangers of Korean Soy Sauce

How to Make Korean Soy Sauce?


According to explore, soy sensitivity is a typical sensitivity. A portion of its side effects is shivering in the mouth, wheezing, runny nose, stomach torment, skin redness, and expansion in various body parts. Be that as it may, extreme soy sauce sensitivity is intriguing, which isn’t from soy or wheat sensitivity.

Likewise, individuals with gluten responsiveness ought to realize that regular soy sauce contains a lot of gluten. Since soybeans are among the most regularly related food allergens in the U.S., many accept that soy sauce causes sensitivity issues.

On the off chance that you have a wheat sensitivity, sans wheat forms of soy sauce are accessible. For instance, soy sauce named tamari contains either less or no wheat. Hence, choosing ensured natural soy sauce can bring down the gamble of sensitivities from undesirable impurities like pesticides.

Korean Soy Sauce High Sodium Content

While conventional soy sauce is low in carbs and calories, it’s unimaginably high in sodium. A solitary tablespoon of soy sauce is more than 33% of sound grown-ups’ suggested everyday sodium limit. Anybody in danger of exorbitant sodium admission or following a salt-confined diet ought to talk with a specialist before incorporating soy sauce into their everyday eating routine. A sodium spike from a lot of soy sauce triggers water maintenance, prompting swelling or edema.

As soy sauce has high-sodium content, its utilization might set off hypertension. For specific individuals with hypertension, it gets suggested by the American Heart Affiliation that sodium shouldn’t surpass 1500 mg. Other Soy Sauce Green Beans Recipe & Benefits to Know For You.

Korean Soy Sauce Presence of Unfortunate Added Substances

How to Make Korean Soy Sauce?

Business soy sauce contains a high measure of phytates that block the retention of minerals in your body. What’s more, additional MSG gets added to upgrade the kind of soy sauce. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a critical part of tasting specialists like Ajinomoto and is scandalous for being undesirable.

As indicated by a review, MSG prompts metabolic problems, destructively affects conceptive organs, causes corpulence, and is neurotoxic.

Soy sauce may be hazardous during pregnancy as it might hamper fetal advancement because of the hurtful synthetic compounds added during assembly.

Period of Usability of Korean Soy Sauce

One of the main disarrays of soy sauce admission is the sodium content. In any case, there is no ideal part size for everybody as there is no brilliant line for taste and strength that fulfills everyone. Be that as it may, one tablespoon of soy sauce adds significant flavor to food and gives fifteen calories and north of 900 mg of sodium.

Consequently, most would agree that one tablespoon of soy sauce a day is very great. Along these lines, have your soy sauce yet not in abundance, and keep it with some restraint.

Soy sauce need not be refrigerated, and you need to utilize it for something like two months from the assembling date. Nonetheless, do check the mark of the soy sauce bottle, as certain brands request that you refrigerate it to keep up with its flavor and newness. It can likewise expand its timeframe of realistic usability.

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Is Soy Sauce Unfortunate?

Indeed, soy sauce is unfortunate partially. The presence of MSG, high sodium content, and absence of supplements makes it an unfortunate fix. Likewise, how much utilization assumes a fundamental part in its fitness. Consuming more than one tablespoon of soy sauce each day can cause perspiring, rashes, serious migraines, tingling, and so forth.


Soy sauce is a fixing normal in Asian food. Its nourishing substance data conveys that it’s anything but a sound relish. Since you can eat just a little amount of soy sauce at a time, it cannot give substantial medical advantages. Nonetheless, it is similarly better compared to simply adding salt to specific food sources.

Its Japanese variant, ‘Shoyu,’ is the most well-known. Regardless of being stacked with sodium, you can purchase numerous better choices like tamari, Worcestershire sauce, coconut, and fluid amino. Furthermore, you ought to search for added substance-free assortments of soy sauce that are conventional with next to no fake tones or flavors.

How is Korean soy sauce made?

It’s made by aging crude soybeans with normal yeast for no less than a half year. It’s a higher-grade soy sauce, yet in addition more costly.

What might I at any point fill in for Korean soy sauce?

You can attempt a few brands in a Korean supermarket, and a tolerable substitute is normal soy sauce and salt or fish sauce, yet natively constructed soup soy sauce is 10x better if you can get it.

What compels Korean soy sauce unique?

Korean soy sauce contrasts with different kinds of soy sauce in that they’re saltier, lighter in variety, and utilized in cooking as opposed to a completing sauce. Korean soy sauce (Gan-Jang) alludes to soy sauce delivered the Korean strategy. It’s prepared somewhat uniquely in contrast to the Japanese adaptation.

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