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Things We Should Know About Cadbury Mini Eggs Dark Chocolate

by Rameen Nadeem
Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate

Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate product created and produced by Cadbury. Introduced in 1967, the egg is solid milk chocolate encased in a thin … Made with our rich and creamy dark chocolate and coated in a crispy candy shell. A darker, more decadent version of our Easter classic. 140 Calories. 4.5 Sat Fat (g).

Things You Should Know About Cadbury Mini Eggs Dark Chocolate

Milk Chocolate gained popularity in European countries, accessible only to the elite and the royalty. Consecutively they started experimenting with dark chocolate by adding sugar, milk, and honey.

However, only the 20th century brought back the reign of Dark Chocolate, promoting its numerous health benefits and nutritional value. 

We talked more about the kinds of Dark chocolate in What to Know About Ferrero Rocher Dark Chocolate? you can see this.

Nutritional Value Cadbury Mini Eggs Dark Chocolate

100 grams of Dark Chocolate having 70-85% cacao content 

  • Calories: 604
  • Carbohydrates: 46.36 g
  • Dietary fiber: 11.00 g
  • Sugar: 24.23 g
  • Fat: 43.06 g
  • Protein: 7.87 g
  • Iron: 12.02 mg
  • Magnesium: 230.00 mg
  • Zinc: 3.34 mg

Nutritional Facts of Cadbury Mini Eggs Dark Chocolate

It is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that can reduce inflammation, and protect cells from oxidative damage. Together, these can also prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes and even help in treating Alzheimer’s disease. 

To achieve these health benefits, a person needs to consume dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cacao content.

Eating more than that could mean that one may be consuming too many calories along with a greater intake of caffeine which can cause nausea, racing heartbeat, and sleeplessness. 

The Making of Dark Chocolate

Chocolate comes from the seeds inside the fruit of the Theobroma Cacao Tree. When harvested, the seeds of the fruit are scooped out and then fermented. They are then spread out to dry in the sun, followed by roasting and grinding them into a coarse powder.

The final product that you consider Chocolate is obtained by making this into liquor (further adding sugar or any sweeteners), grinding it again, and pouring it into molds to be solidified and sold in the market. Traditionally, the entire process is labor-intensive, complex, and very time-consuming.

The global chocolate market is massive and reached a value of US$ 137.599 Billion in 2019.

How is Dark Chocolate Different From Other Varieties of Chocolates?

The process of producing this chocolate differs slightly from the rest. Though the ingredients used are the same as its other variants, that is, cocoa liquor, milk powder, and sugar, the quantities may vary.

Dark Chocolate generally comprises a higher percentage of Cocoa content that can range anywhere from 30 to 85%. This is the primary distinction between Dark, Milk, and White chocolate making it a bittersweet concoction.

Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate

7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Now, having a sweet tooth can bring your benefits in the form of this bittersweet treat. There have been numerous evidence-based research that proves that Dark Chocolate is very nutritious and can provide health benefits. 

Let’s explore its potential benefits:

1. Chocolate Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are the leading causes of death globally. The most common factors contributing to this disease are high levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. Certain epidemiological evidence suggests that fruits and vegetables are rich in flavonoids and are great to prevent CVD.

The Stockholm Heart Epidemiology Program studied the long-term effects of consuming dark chocolate. The study indicates lower cardiac mortality in people who consume dark chocolate than in people who have never eaten it before. Thus postulating flavanols as cardioprotective agents in adequate amounts that prevent the likelihood of developing heart disease. 

2. Cadbury Mini Eggs Dark Chocolate Lowers Blood Pressure

An analysis by the Harvard School of Public Study agrees with the link between blood pressure and cacao. It talks about the medicinal profile present in dark chocolate (50-70% cocoa content) that is effective in blood pressure. 

Flavonoids also help in stimulating endothelium (the thin membrane inside the heart and blood vessels responsible for managing vascular contraction and relaxation) to produce Nitric Oxide. The release of Nitric Oxide expands blood vessels, increases blood flow, and thus reduces blood pressure. Therefore, it can be an inexpensive and effective element that regulates blood pressure in people with hypertension. 

3. Cadbury Mini Eggs Dark Chocolate Resists Cell Damage

Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants. These antioxidants are responsible for preventing free radical tissue damage.

However, the levels of free radicals can cause problems. Antioxidants prevent the effect of free radicals and help in defending cell damage. It is also beneficial for treating diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

A critical review indicates that the antioxidants present in this food have anti-inflammatory properties that may prevent or reduce vascular inflammation.   

4. Chocolate Treats Depression

Other than the pleasure associated with eating it, Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate is also linked to reducing the risk of depression. It is observed that consuming 24 grams or less of Dark Chocolate per day can have antidepressant effects on people.

This can relieve one from depression, with its combined presence of flavonoids (known to improve mood), theobromine (delivers energy), N-acylethanolamines, and also Phenylethylamine (triggers).

Detailed Survey

A detailed survey was conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2007-08 and 2013-14. This analyzed the relationship between dark chocolate and depression with 13,626 adults residing in the US.

The study concluded that the consumption of Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate may be directly associated with reduced odds of clinically relevant depressive symptoms.

5. Chocolate Works Against Diabetes

Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate contains polyphenols, which is a naturally occurring compound having antioxidant properties that improve insulin resistance. This, in turn, may help in controlling blood sugar in people having Type 2 diabetes. 

Moreover, a study published in the Appetite journal reveals that the participants who occasionally consumed dark chocolate were harshly prone to the risk of developing diabetes in the next five years, as compared to participants who consumed dark chocolate at least once per week. 

6. Chocolate Shields The Skin From Sun Damage

It not only releases happy hormones in the body but also makes your skin happy. Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate is loaded with tons of nutrients and minerals like calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, selenium,  manganese, zinc, and vitamins A, B1, C, D, and E also. 

These along with antioxidants protect your skin from UV rays, soothe blemishes and redness, increase collagen production, etc. Along with this, it has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve irritated skin. 

7. Chocolate Aids Weight Loss

Eating Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate in moderate amounts can help in the weight loss process. It has fatty acids that improve metabolism and rapidly burn calories. Also, dark chocolate curbs cravings if eaten 20 minutes before a meal. 

Interestingly, the magnesium and antioxidants in Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate relieve pain and thus encourage one to work out. This can be an added advantage for people struggling to lose weight. 

5 Ways Dark Chocolate Can Help You Lose Weight

We give you five reasons to make dark chocolate your daily go-to dessert:

  1. Improves metabolism: Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate is packed with monounsaturated fatty acids or MUFAs, which help step up metabolism so you burn calories faster. A study performed at Queen Margaret University, UK, showed chocolate affects the way our body synthesizes fatty acids and reduces the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.
  2. Prevents insulin spike: The healthy fats in dark chocolate slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and therefore, prevent the dreaded insulin spike that transports sugar straight into your fat cells. High levels of insulin also stop your body’s fat-burning system and make you hungry again.


  1. Curbs cravings: Researchers at The University of Copenhagen found that dark chocolate eliminates cravings for sweet, salty, and fatty foods alike as it gives one a feeling of satiety. Proponents of the “chocolate-friendly” diet claim eating chocolate 20 minutes before and five minutes after lunch and dinner cuts your appetite by up to 50 percent. Experts say dieters who eat chocolate occasionally are also able to maintain weight loss as they don’t feel deprived.
  2. Encourages exercise: Chocolate has anti-inflammatory constituents, which when combined with its generous supply of magnesium, may lead to less pain. Exercise appears far more appealing when you feel good. If there is pain after a strenuous session at the gym, munch on an ounce of dark chocolate at night.
  3. Gives a happy high: Weight loss isn’t the only bonus of eating Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate. Proponents say dark chocolate also gives a “happy high”. Research has found that regular consumers are less stressed, sleep better, and have lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Dark chocolate is also loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals, which can damage our cells.

But before you reach for that chocolate in your fridge, remember that a 100-gram bar contains a whopping 546 calories. Experts recommend no more than an ounce – 28 grams – of dark chocolate a day!

Side Effects of Cadbury Mini Eggs Dark Chocolate

A 1-ounce serving of Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate with 70% cocoa provides about 20-25 mg of caffeine. Excessive consumption of dark chocolate can increase caffeine levels in the blood, causing increased heart rate, nausea, dehydration, and insomnia.

Approximately 30-60 grams of Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate per day is recommended quantity to be healthy. Also, people having diabetes can consult their doctor before planning to consume daily. 


  • Pregnancy- Dark chocolate can be consumed in moderation. Eating an excessive amount of Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate can increase caffeine intake which can be unsafe for the fetus. Higher caffeine content can cause various issues like premature delivery, low birth weight, and even lead to miscarriage. It is better to watch the quantity of your consumption. Consult a doctor and abide by the suggested quantity. 
  • Breastfeeding- Mothers breastfeeding infants must be careful about their Dark Chocolate consumption. The caffeine in dark chocolate can transfer from the mother to the nursing baby and cause insomnia, restlessness, and even rashes. 
  • Bleeding Disorders- Consuming a lot of dark chocolate can also lead to the risk of slowing down the blood clotting process. It can be dangerous for people who have bleeding disorders or hemophilia. 
  • Palpitation- The cocoa present in Dark Chocolate can increase pulse rate and spike blood pressure if consumed in a rather large quantity.
Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate


There is considerable evidence that points to the fact that Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate have potential health benefits.

However, that doesn’t mean you should exceed the recommended consumption quantity. It is a ton of nutrients but only be beneficial if consumed in moderation. You can enjoy Cadbury mini eggs dark chocolate delicious treat and reap the benefits. 

Is Dark Chocolate Healthy?

Yes, Dark Chocolate has tons of nutrients like iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, Copper, and vitamins A, B1, C, D, and K. These nutrients are great for heart health, regulating blood pressure, aiding weight loss, etc. 

Which Dark Chocolate is best for you?

Dark Chocolate also has varieties like bittersweet or semi-sweet. However choosing a Dark Chocolate that has a higher percentage of cocoa, ideally 70% and above is best in terms of nutritional content. 

Is it Ok to have dark chocolate every day?

Yes, you can have Dark Chocolate every day, if consumed in moderation. You can consume up to 20-30 grams of Dark Chocolate without worrying about any side effects. 

Can Dark Chocolate reduce weight?

Research suggests that the monounsaturated fatty acids present in Dark Chocolate improve metabolism and help you burn calories. So, yes, Dark Chocolate can aid in weight loss. 

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