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Discover The Delicious Flavors of Green Almonds

by Khadija Tahir
Published: Last Updated on 76 views
Discover The Delicious Flavors of Green Almonds

Yes, green almonds. If you’ve never had them, they’re fuzzy light-green orbs filled with soft jelly-like skinless almonds—smooth and delicately nutty with a wholly different texture than fully mature almonds. When fresh, they can be eaten whole. They’re crunchy, tart, and reminiscent of unripe peaches (in a good way!). The young almonds are delicate, milky, subtly floral, and grassy when the outer layer is removed.

Green almonds are a beloved treat in areas rich in almond orchards. They are increasingly available past the shade of the almond trees. The fuzz on the outside may feel familiar; it reminds one that almonds and peaches are closely related, at least botanically speaking.

These fuzzy green ovals are entirely edible, although most people find the shell a bit bitter and don’t eat them. More classically, the green almonds are cut open and the soft, somewhat gelatinous embryonic almonds in the centers are popped out and eaten; they are the real treasure of these unusual treats.

How do Green Almonds Taste?

They have a delicate almond flavor (no surprise there!). They are particularly delicious lightly dipped into sea salt. Their main appeal, as mentioned above, is their soft-yet-firm texture that is just a bit gelatinous but with a sense of the nut, it’s going to become.

They get firmer in texture as the season goes on—early ones can be translucent and have an almost grape-like texture while later ones take on a milky opaque look and feel more like soft when bitten. I have also written an article on Enjoy a Healthy & Flavorful Cranberry Almond Chicken Salad.

Where Can I Buy Green Almonds?

To have green almonds, you need to have almond orchards, and the vast majority of those in the United States are in California. Californians will find it at farmers’ markets when they’re in season.

Others will have to check out specialty markets that ship them in. They are gaining a steady audience – so keep your eyes open, they may come your way if they aren’t there yet. Another on Crispy and Healthy Almond Flour Chicken Tenders Recipe.

When is Green Almond Season?

They are just unripe almonds. If they’re left on the tree, the soft and fuzzy green part will slowly but surely harden into the tough brown shell that protects a mature almond.

Picked too early, and there isn’t much of an “almond” inside yet; picked too late and the shell has turned tough and inedible.

That means They are at their best during a 6- to 8-week window in spring, usually from April to early June in California.

How to Use Green Almonds?

Green almonds make a great out-of-hand snack. Dip them in salt or sugar, as you like and if you like. If you can’t get enough green almonds that way, try adding them to salads.

They make a particularly good match with sweet spring peas or little gem lettuces. It also works wonders in Spanish white garlic almond soup – you won’t need to blanch and peel the almonds.

Or, keep their delicate flavor around a bit longer and make pickled. You can get more from this video.

How to Store Green Almonds?

Fresh green almonds can be kept at cool room temperature for a few days after harvest. Extend their life by a bit (but not much), by wrapping them loosely in plastic and popping them in the fridge.

In truth, though, They are one of the many spring delicacies that are truly at their best the closer you can get them to when they’re harvested. If you can get yourself an invitation to walk through an almond orchard in late April, accept it!


  • 2 quarts green almonds
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1/3 cup white wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 to 2 sprigs of fresh dill
  • 1/2 teaspoon dill seeds
  • 2 to 3 whole black peppercorns
  • 1 small hot chile pepper, optional


Slice off just the tips of the pointy ends of the green almonds. Look for the seam that the hulls have along one side, similar to that of apricots or peaches. Run a paring knife along that seam. Split the hull apart along the slice, revealing the cream-colored, shell-less kernel within.

Bring the water, vinegar, honey, and salt to a boil, stirring once or twice to completely dissolve the honey and salt.

Meanwhile, load a clean glass jar (it is not necessary to sterilize the jars for this recipe) with the green almond kernels, tucking in the herbs and spices as you go. The herbs can be an attractive part of the presentation of your pickled green almonds, especially if you are planning to give them as a gift.

Use a chopstick to tuck the dill or fennel sprigs and the chile pepper (if using) in between the sides of the jar and the green almonds so that they are visible.

Once the vinegar brine has come to a full boil, skim off any foam that may have formed. Pour the hot brine over the green almonds, herbs, and spices in the jar. Make sure that the almonds are completely covered by the liquid.

If you will be storing your green almonds as a refrigerator pickle, you can fill the jar to the top. Pickled will keep for at least 2 months in the refrigerator.

For longer-term storage at room temperature, pack the ingredients into a pint-size canning jar (or 2 half-pint jars) leaving at least 1/2-inch headspace between the surface of the brine and the rim of the jar. Secure the canning lid and process in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes (adjust the processing time if you live at a high altitude).


They are super versatile. I love eating them whole, pressed into flaky sea salt. They’re good at sweet things, too. A simple dessert could be some dates, green almonds, and flaky sea salt. Tarts and ice cream could benefit from some chopped green almonds sprinkled on top. Have you ever tried green almonds? What do you think of them?

Are They good for you?

They are full of antioxidants that help flush out toxins from our body and enhance the activities of our immune system significantly.

Can you eat green almonds?

Yes, If you’ve never had them, they’re fuzzy light-green orbs filled with soft jelly-like skinless almonds—smooth and delicately nutty with a wholly different texture than fully mature almonds.

Are They good for diabetes?

Almonds, while nutritionally beneficial for most people, are especially good for people with diabetes.

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