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Is Brown Rice Healthy to Eat or Not? Is it Better?

by Khadija Tahir
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Is Brown Rice Healthy to Eat or Not? Is it Better?

Is brown rice healthy? Generally, I used to eat rice with the husk however with time, de-husked white rice (Brown Rice) came into the spotlight as a result of its various medical advantages. Earthy-colored rice is a very nutritious entire grain loaded with different supplements.

Rice has been a staple of the human eating regimen for millennia. Some rice cultivating instruments from China date back 8,000 years, and some remaining parts of old rice are as long as 2,000 years more established than that.

Today, also rice is a staple in excess of 100 societies, and there are in excess of 40,000 assortments developed. Of those assortments, many can be ready and sold as Brown Rice. Brown Rice implies you’re eating the rice all in all grain. That is significant on the grounds that the less handled the grain, the more supplements you get.

What is Brown Rice?

Brown Rice is a de-husked and unpolished rice delivered by eliminating the external layer-the body of the rice bit. This methodology also assists Brown Rice with keeping its healthy benefit high. It is chewier when contrasted with white rice and tastes nutty.

The Dietary Profile of Brown Rice Healthy

Brown Rice is more grounded than white rice with regard to health benefits. This superfood is low in calories and fat, and without gluten. Consequently, all diet-cognizant individuals favor this rice over white rice. This rice likewise contains a few fundamental supplements, which are as per the following –

  • Dietary strands
  • Minerals-zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and selenium
  • Cancer prevention agents flavonoids
  • Proteins
  • Fundamental unsaturated fats

Types of Brown Rice Healthy

There are many varieties of brown rice​ available in the market. The quantity of pigmentation (anthocyanins) in the rice also varies amongst the varieties. The bran color determines the rice color, aroma, and flavor.

Red Rice 

It has an intense quantity of anthocyanins that also imparts a red/maroon color to its bran. Red rice has a muddy flavor. 

Black Rice 

It has black-colored bran. The unique anthocyanin combined with the external bran imparts a deep purple color when you cook it. The nutrient value of the variants of brown rice remains more or less the same.

I have also written an article on Is white rice healthy? If you want to know about this then check it out.

Brown Rice Healthy Medical Advantages

How to Prepare Brown Rice?

The wheat and microorganism, also the two external layers of Brown rice, contain a large portion of the nutrients and minerals in the grain. Those layers get eliminated when producers make white rice, and that is the reason Brown rice is the better decision.

Here are probably the best medical advantages Brown rice brings to the table:

Diminished Hazard of Diabetes

Is Brown Rice Healthy? | Brown rice has a low glycemic record (GI), meaning it doesn’t cause your glucose to spike after you eat. Concentrates on a show that by eating three servings each day of entire grains like Brown rice, you can also lessen your gamble of creating type 2 diabetes by up to 32%.

White rice, then again, can build your gamble of diabetes. Another investigation discovered that individuals who eat a ton of white rice are around 17% more bound to foster diabetes than people who eat less. Researchers gauge that by supplanting around 50 grams each day of white rice with Brown rice, an individual can diminish their diabetes risk by 16%.

Further Developed Heart Wellbeing

A large number of the supplements in Brown rice assist with keeping your heart solid. It’s a rich wellspring of dietary fiber, which can diminish your gamble of death from coronary illness. Brown rice additionally contains elevated degrees of magnesium, which can assist with making you less powerless against coronary illness and stroke.

By and large, concentrates on demonstrating the way that eating all the more entire grains, including earthy colored rice, could decrease your gamble of coronary illness by up to 22% and your gamble of stroke by as much as 12%.

Better Weight Control

Four in each 10 Americans qualify as stout, and one of every 10 is seriously hefty. Adding Brown rice as a dietary staple might assist people who are overweight to shed more pounds and decrease their weight record, a typical marker of solid or unfortunate weight.

Brown rice additionally contains more dietary fiber than white rice. Higher-fiber food sources make you feel full longer while taking in fewer calories. Assuming that you supplant white rice with Brown rice, you will actually want to eat less without feeling hungrier.

Aids Digestion 

Is Brown Rice Healthy? | Brown rice is a helpful staple that can be easily added to the daily diet to optimize the digestive system. The fibers present in brown rice help to regulate intestinal movements and keep your bowel movements regular. They have excellent results to cure colitis and constipation.

Controls Cholesterol Levels 

The oil present in brown rice is known to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) to a large extent. The fiber in brown rice binds to the cholesterol in the digestive system and helps in its excretion.

Neuroprotective Effective 

Brown rice helps to cut down the risk of cognitive dysfunction and neurodegenerative disorders. They are rich in fibers that lower the cholesterol levels known to add to the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. This rice can help cut down on cholesterol by replacing it with healthier nutrients, such as fiber. It is also beneficial in treating various diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. They also help to cure depression, anxiety, or stress.

Improves Maternal Health 

Is Brown Rice Healthy? | Brown rice works amazingly in postpartum depression. Consumption of this rice showed positive results in nursing women to improve disturbed mood, stages of depression, and fatigue.

Maintains Bone Health 

Brown rice is rich in calcium and magnesium helps to maintain bone health.


1 cup uncooked brown rice, well rinsed
2 cups water
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil

How to Prepare Brown Rice?

To cook your brown rice:

Rinse your rice in cool water to remove extra starch and any dust that might have built up.

Bring the water to a boil.

Reduce the heat to low and cover the pot.

Leave the rice to sit and steam for another 10 minutes before you serve.

You can also use a rice cooker, which will heat the rice until it’s done and then switches automatically to warming mode:

Use the same ratio of rinsed dry brown rice to water.

When the cooker is done, let the rice sit on warming mode for 5 to 10 minutes, so it doesn’t get sticky.

Brown rice can be a healthy side dish or a base ingredient for many different recipes. Here are a few ways to try it:

Add it to soup for healthy carbs.

Stir fry vegetables and meat or tofu, then add some brown rice.

Mix up a rice bowl with beans, salsa, greens, and maybe some chicken.

Combine it with ground beef and spices to make stuffed bell peppers.

Healthful Ways to Eat More Brown Rice

Is Brown Rice Healthy? | Brown rice is incredibly versatile and can be incorporated into nearly any meal. To make a breakfast porridge, flavor the rice with plant-based milk and a touch of maple syrup and cinnamon, and then top with nuts.

Incorporate it into salads or grain bowls, along with leafy greens, other veggies, and lean protein, drizzled with sauces like seasoned tahini, vegan pesto, or guacamole. Serve brown rice with stir-fries, and opt for brown rice sushi. Incorporate it into veggie burgers, stuffed cabbage and bell peppers, and lettuce wraps. Brown rice can also make its way into desserts, including pudding, toasted brown rice ice cream, cookies, and bars.

Other forms of grain are also readily available. Add puffed brown rice to dark chocolate and other sweet treats, and swap wheat flour for brown rice flour in baking and cooking. Plain sprouted brown rice protein powder is a great option for smoothies or to bolster the protein content of pancakes, mashed cauliflower, or blended soups.

Another article on Why Healthy Fast Food Is The Future Of Food? Top 10 Reasons.

Brown Rice: Precautions and Things to Remember

However, it contains more arsenic than its counterparts. Therefore, the risk of arsenic-induced disorders may precipitate. Consequently, you should consume brown rice in moderation.

Excess of any healthy food may invite imbalances. However, recommended use of brown rice does not induce toxicity. Nevertheless, you should exercise a few precautions before switching to a brown rice diet.

Consult your physician before switching to any dietary changes to avoid any adverse effects.

Patients with renal disorders need to limit brown rice for its high potassium and phosphorus levels. High potassium and phosphorus cause abnormal cardiac rhythm. It may result in cardiac arrest.

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease should eat brown rice in moderation because high protein and fiber content may not be healthy.

Patients who underwent surgery involving the gastrointestinal tract should avoid eating brown rice because it contains bran which is hard to digest. 

If you want to learn more about benefits then watch this.

Conclusion – Is Brown Rice Healthy?

Brown rice is a filling, nutrient-rich whole grain that’s naturally gluten-free and versatile. If you’re trying to decide between white and brown rice, consider reaching for the brown to up your intake of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and to potentially reduce disease risk.

In my experience, many people end up developing a preference for brown rice over white due to its slightly nutty flavor and hearty texture. Just keep in mind that, like any food, you can’t eat unlimited amounts. I combine moderate portions of brown rice with other whole foods to take advantage of its benefits and best optimize your overall nutrient and calorie intake.

Is brown rice healthier than white rice?

However, white rice is good for those with certain digestive issues who cannot digest fiber-rich foods well.

Is eating brown rice every day okay?

Brown rice contains more arsenic than most other grains, therefore the risk of being inflicted with the conditions increases.

What is the healthiest rice to eat?

Whole grains like brown rice are healthier than processed grains. They contain more fiber, which helps you to feel full faster and keeps your digestive system running well.

Can brown rice make you fat?

Furthermore, several studies prove that people who consume whole grains like brown rice weigh less than others.

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