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Mango Green Tea Recipe

by Khadija Tahir
Discretionary and Varieties

Assuming you love mangos this is the best recipe for you. This sweet and reviving mango green tea will extinguish your thirst lasting through the year! This fruity chilled green tea is all that you never realized at any point required.

What is your go-to boba request? I’ll go first mango green tea, half-sweet with boba. I’ve been requesting this beverage since I previously found boba around a long time back.

What’s more, every time I attempt to fan out and arrange something new I generally think twice about it since mango green tea will continuously be predominant in my psyche. So how about we simply say I treat drinking mango green tea exceptionally in a serious way.

In forming this recipe, I investigated what needs are by attempting all the different mango green tea’s in the entirety of my nearby boba shops to find the ideal one to attempt to re-make. Separating this recipe was actually an easy decision. The best flavor generally comes from utilizing the greatest fixings with practically no counterfeit added substances.

Also known as new products of the soil green tea. So in the event that you love mangos and green tea however much I do this recipe is ideally suited for you.

Kitchen Devices For This Mango Green Tea Recipe

Kitchen Devices For This Recipe

For this mango green tea, you will require kitchen hardware that will mellow and mix the mango into a delicate puree.

Medium PanAny little/medium estimated pot will do.
Wooden SpoonAny wooden spoon or spatula will attempt to crush the relaxed mangos.
Blender or Drenching BlenderYou can utilize a blender or inundation blender to mix the mango with the goal that it is sufficiently smooth to blend into the tea.
Fine Lattice StrainerFiltering the puree with a fine cross-section sifter is discretionary however I like adding this move toward eliminating any of the stringy bits from the mango that the blender didn’t get.

Elements For Mango Green Tea

Jasmine Green TeaJasmine green tea is my #1 green tea. Jasmine green tea is a subtype of green tea that has been enhanced and prepared with jasmine flavors. This is only an individual inclination. Any great quality green tea will work here. They have a profound, rich, and smooth green tea flavor.
WaterUsed to brew the jasmine green tea.
MangoPick a new succulent ready mango for this recipe. Since the recipe calls for not many fixings it is essential to utilize excellent mangos which will be the star of this dish. On the other hand, on the off chance that mangos are not in season, you can purchase frozen mangos which are typically frozen when they are ready so it fills in as an extraordinary other option.
Granulated SugarThe granulated sugar goes about as sugar for this tea.
Lemon SqueezeThe lemon juice adds a smidgen of sharpness to separate the pleasantness from the mango and sugar.

How to Mix Green Tea Appropriately?

How to Mix Green Tea Appropriately?

No mystery green tea is loaded up with medical advantages. In China, India, and Japan, it is utilized as a sound mixture used to control or forestall diabetes, help with weight reduction, and assist you with living longer. To augment the medical advantages, it is critical to blend your green tea appropriately.

For green tea, on the off chance that you don’t mix it appropriately, it could taste unforgiving, lush, or much more severe. The ideal cup of green tea ought to have a light tone and minor astringent seasoning, yet not harsh.

Green tea flavor compounds are delicate to high water temperatures and ought to be fermented utilizing water at lower temperatures. When in doubt of thumb, the ideal temperature for green tea goes from 175°F to 185°F. This should be possible by utilizing a temperature measure or a thermometer.

To foster the best flavors, after you add the tea to the boiling water cover the teapot or teacup and steep for 3-5 minutes relying upon your flavor inclinations. Following 3 minutes, the green tea will foster a more profound flavor and the harshness comes through close to 5 minutes.

Instructions to Make Mango Green Tea

This recipe is truly basic and very fulfilling to make. To separate it for you, all you will require is to 1) steep the green tea, 2) make the mango coulis and serve!

Steep The Green Tea

Steep the Jasmine green tea packs in a pitcher or huge cup of heated water for 3-4 minutes. Eliminate the tea packs and press out leftover fluid from the sack. Be cautious it will be hot. Place in the fridge to cool for around 30 minutes.

Make The Mango Coulis

3D shape the mango. In a little pot, place the cubed mangos, sugar, and lemon squeeze and stew on medium-low until the mangos mellow. Around 10 minutes. After the mango has relaxed, utilize a spoon or spatula to keep crushing the mango until it turns into a puree.

Place the mango puree in a blender and mix until smooth. You can then again utilize an inundation blender.

Filter the mango puree from the blender and put it away.


For every 1 ½ cups of green tea add 2-3 tablespoons of the mango coulis relying upon your favored pleasantness. Add ice and your #1 fixings like boba and mango bits! Appreciate!


Utilize cold fixings. No one loves a tepid beverage that is intended to invigorate. Make a point to have every one of the fixings chilled in the cooler prior to making this recipe.

This recipe makes 2 cups. You can twofold or triple the recipe if you have any desire to make this for bigger gatherings.

You can change the sugar level. With regards to drinks, I generally decide in favor of something not excessively thick and excessively sweet. Be that as it may, the sugar level is altogether dependent upon you and you can modify the sum in light of your sugar inclination!

Add your leaning toward fixings. You can add hand-crafted boba pearls to make this recipe a full treat!

Capacity Directions

You can twofold or triple up the recipe to make a pitcher of this mango green tea and store it in the cooler for up to 2-3 days. Try to mix it a long time prior to emptying it into a glass.

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