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Daikon Radish Recipe You Must Try

by Muhammad Nabeel
Daikon Radish Recipe You Must Try

See unusual vegetables in the supermarket and want to know how to cook with them? The daikon radish recipe is one of them.

Resembling a big, white, plump carrot, it can be a little tricky to figure out what to do with that weird-looking giant radish.

But the radish is worth trying! Also known as white radish, radish, radish, winter radish, and luobo, this large root vegetable is peppery and crunchy and is very popular in Asian cuisine.

Daikon sprouts and daikon radish seeds are also quite famous among people who like different daikon radish recipes.

Daikon Radish Recipe Like Daikon Radish Gratin

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes

We’re all familiar with the traditional potato gratin – flour potatoes filled with cream and cheese.
This radish adaptation takes gratin to a whole new level and is sure to become a crowd favorite at dinner parties and potluck brunches.

Daikon radish is a great alternative to potatoes in this dish. It has a mild, slightly tangy flavor that goes well with cream, cheese, and herbs.

The cut daikon radish retains its shape during cooking and melts in your mouth. This recipe uses one of your love or hate ingredients: anchovies. It adds depth of flavor to your dish, but you can get the same effect with fish sauce or Worcestershire sauce.

The good thing about this recipe is that radishes are a low-carb substitute for potatoes, so this dish is a healthier version of the high-calorie gratin!

And it only takes 5 minutes to prepare. Perfect for when you’re in a hurry or preparing a hearty meal with lots of side dishes.

Daikon Radish Recipe Like Daikon Radish Slaw

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Radishes add a beautiful dimension to traditional coleslaw. Tangy, sweet, and crunchy, this unusual root vegetable pairs perfectly with the standard coleslaw staple of cabbage and carrots.

This coleslaw recipe features a deliciously light dressing that is refreshing and flavorful. The combination of mayonnaise, mustard, garlic, and lemon juice perfectly complements the delicately peppered radishes.

Add some chopped parsley for extra freshness and flavor. Don’t forget to peel the daikon before cutting it – it may seem unnecessary, but the skin doesn’t work well in raw dishes!

It only takes a few seconds to peel off the crunchy outer layer, revealing the sweet, crunchy flesh underneath.
It takes only 10 minutes to put together (or even less with the blender’s chopper attachment), and you’ll have a quick coleslaw with a sophisticated, delicious taste.

It’s a great dish to make ahead of time for barbecues or family dinners, and a great introduction to this unusual vegetable!

Daikon Radish Recipe Like Daikon Cakes

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Extra Time: 30 minutes

Now, I know I said cake, but this is not a sweet, cakey radish dessert!

These radish cakes are more correctly known as patties – small hamburger-shaped donuts that are fried rather than baked. You’ll love the taste and texture of these little Asian-inspired dishes. The radish is crispy on the outside and crunchy on the inside. The trick is to make it delicious and thick, like crab cakes, and not overcook it.

The center should be left mostly raw to allow for the delicious texture and chewiness of uncooked radishes.
Don’t panic if it overheats. It retains its flavor and becomes smoother.

Adding salt to the grated daikon radish may seem like a hassle, but the texture of the daikon mochi is dramatically different just by preparing the grated daikon radish. Skipping this step will result in a cake that is watery and soggy.

The egg is used to stick the radish mochi together, but if you can’t eat the egg, you can use a dough made of flour and water instead.

Pickled Daikon (Tsukemono)

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Extension: 7 hours

Tsukemono literally means “tsukemono” in Japanese and is a perfect description of this delicious little dish!

In Japan and other Asian cultures, pickles are commonly eaten with every meal and prepared in large quantities in advance.
This dish works well in bulk and can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

The freshly harvested daikon radish is made with rare ingredients, so it has a rich yet light taste. Welcome to the world of umami – best described as a meaty, savory delight that deepens the flavor. Although this is not commonly used in Western cuisine, East Asian recipes rely heavily on these rich flavors.

For those unfamiliar with umami, some of the ingredients in this recipe may seem a little strange.
The umami of this cucumber comes from thinly sliced ​​seaweed “Ito-kelp” and dried bonito “Katsuobushi”. Both are available at your local Asian store.

I think it’s worth tracking down the ingredients for this wonderful side dish that can also be eaten as a snack.

Spicy Roasted Daikon Radish French Fries

Spicy Roasted Daikon Radish French Fries

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Looking for a low-carb or keto-friendly recipe? This is the one for you – fries without potatoes!

These spicy roasted radish fries are a great side dish, perfect with an Asian meal or simply as a replacement for traditional potato fries.

They make great movie night snacks and I think they’re absolutely delicious when eaten plain. I’m not going to lie here. No matter how hard you try, you can’t turn radishes into crispy French fries.

These radish fries are golden brown on the outside but soft and juicy on the inside. Flavored with ginger, chili, and soy sauce, these radish fries develop a delicious caramelized crust that tastes great!

They are so flavorful that the biggest problem is getting them from the oven to the table without eating them all first!

Daikon Radish Recipe Like Beef With Daikon Radish

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

This Daikon Beef recipe is an easy Japanese-style weekday dinner with great flavor! Daikon radish is one of the ingredients that infuse a variety of flavors.

This dish includes two flavors you probably already have in your pantry. sugar and soy sauce. Other flavors are derived from ingredients (mirin, cooking sake, and dashi granules) that can be found at your local Asian grocery store.

Don’t let these unusual ingredients fool you. Because we change this dish. Give them a try and you’ll be hooked on finding more Japanese-inspired recipes to try. I love this recipe as the perfect prep dish. It can be made in the afternoon before school or in the morning of a dinner party, and the longer it sits and marinates, the better it tastes.

The rich beef and sauce complement the zesty radishes perfectly, creating a comforting, filling and nutritious meal served with freshly steamed white rice and thinly sliced ​​scallions.

Daikon Radish Recipe Like Roasted Curry Daikon Radish

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Overtime: 15 minutes

Looking for an alternative side dish for curry night? This roasted curried radish recipe puts a big twist on curried potatoes, with the added bonus of being low-carb and keto-friendly.

If you are a fan of Bombay potatoes, you will love this dish! When the daikon is grilled, it retains its moist and firm texture, while adding depth to its umami and sweetness.

The smooth white flesh of the radish pairs perfectly with the spice and flavor of this recipe. The radish soaks up the flavors of its surroundings like a sponge!

Use curry powder as strongly as you like. We like spicy curries, but they also have milder versions. Or, if you’re into Indian cuisine, you might prefer to make your own curry powder mix.

Chinese Vegan Radish Cake

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 80 minutes

Additional time: 4-8 hours

This Chinese vegan radish cake may look difficult to make, but once you try it, you will definitely come back!

Also known as beet pie or lo bak go, this recipe combines radishes, mushrooms, fresh herbs, spices, and rice flour in a bun and sauces for about an hour.

The cooled bread is sliced ​​and gently fried to perfection – crispy on the outside and soft and tender on the inside.

You don’t need any special equipment to make this dish. If you’re making it for a party, you can do all the prep and most of the cooking the day before.

During the day, just fry the finished radish, it’s super easy!

Serve with a dip – A combination of soy sauce, Chinese rice vinegar, ginger, and chili oil is perfect for this delicious Chinese recipe.

Honeycrisp, Daikon, And Cucumber Sesame Salad

Honeycrisp, Daikon, And Cucumber Sesame Salad

Preparation time: 15 minutes

This is one of the prettiest and most colorful salads we have ever seen. The combination of crunchy apples, crunchy radishes, and juicy cucumbers will whet your appetite, so it seems to go well as a side dish.

I love the layers of flavor in this salad. From sweet pomegranate juiciness to nutty sesame crunch. A sprinkle of mint leaves and sliced ​​chili peppers complete this salad perfectly. It’s best to prepare it just before eating to preserve the crunchy texture of the vegetables.

The fresh, light flavor of this salad contrasts well with rich flavors like crispy marinated duck and sardines, and pork belly. It’s also great for healthy dinners like grilled salmon.

Daikon Radish Sesame Noodles

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Ok, admit it – who bought the Spiralizer that now stays in the back of the closet?

I think we all got a little carried away when the Spiralizer came into fashion, but the novelty wore off quickly! Personally, I’m happy to never see a ridiculously long zucchini again!

Well, now that the scribble is here, it’s time to dig out and wash the Spiralizer!

Doodles are a great low-carb alternative to pasta and far superior to the zucchini noodles we’ve talked about so far.

The texture of the daikon radish is less watery and has a nice consistency, and when simmered, it becomes an exquisite al dente texture. The radish flavor goes well with pasta. If you’re on a keto-friendly diet, these doodles are a great alternative to high-carb pasta and taste great too.

This recipe is a great way to use up radishes that arrive in your vegetable box, and as a bonus, leftovers hold up really well.

For an extra twist, try this recipe instead of purple radish to add a pop of color to your table!

Daikon Radish Recipe Like Daikon Radish Dip

Preparation time: 5 minutes

This creamy dip is a great alternative to store-bought dips. It can be used as a lunch sauce, spread, or hummus substitute. Best prepared ahead of time, this dip is a great addition to any buffet or party menu.

It’s also a great way to sneak vegetables into your child’s diet. He doesn’t feel like dipping carrots in creamy radish dip like he eats five in a day.

Radish dip is made by mixing peeled radish meat with cream cheese, salt, and garlic. These are blended in a food processor for a smooth, creamy dip.

This dip is best made the day before serving to soften and blend the flavors. Chilling the dip in the refrigerator overnight will prevent the dip from curdling and becoming runny.


What to do with daikon radish?

Use radishes in the same way as carrots, then some. Try it in stews, soups, pan-fried, or simmered. Also, try lightly steaming and flavoring with olive oil, salt, and lemon juice. eat them raw.

How to make daikon radishes?

To prepare a raw radish, cut off the green tips of the leaves. You can wash and scrub the radish under the sink, but you can also scrape the outside with a peeler. Discard any remaining chips.


Even after knowing all these daikon radish recipes and still, you haven’t tried them out yet then what are you even doing?

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