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Easy to Make Pomodorina Sauce

by Khadija Tahir
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Easy to Make Pomodorina Sauce

This speedy and simple 5-fixing Pomodorina sauce is a basic, delightful mix of sweet, ready tomatoes, spices, garlic, onion, and olive oil. Prepare the new pureed tomatoes with pasta, and serve the light, sound dish close by a plate of mixed greens and garlic bread for your next family supper.

Hand-crafted pasta Pomodorina sauce resembles an Italian get-away — in the solace of your own kitchen!

Pasta Pomodorina Sauce

Did you have at least some idea that you can take your taste buds on an Italian getaway — without leaving the solace of your own home?

With the freshest, ripest, juiciest tomatoes and credible Italian-made olive oil. This new Pomodorina sauce will persuade your whole self that you’re loosening up in a little Venetian bistro, tasting a glass of wine, and partaking in a lovely summer dusk. Doesn’t excessively sound marvelous?!

OK, so while you probably won’t have a European get-away carved into your week-by-week organizer. You can set up a mind-blowing Italian dinner at home — in around 45 minutes!

Pasta Pomodorina Sauce

What is Pomodorina Sauce?

“Pomodorina” signifies “tomato” in Italian, and that is the precise exact thing this is — a new pureed tomato. I can’t imagine a superior method for exploiting summer’s best produce! Pasta al Pomodorina sauce is a veggie lover Italian dish regularly ready with pasta, olive oil, new tomatoes, basil, and other new fixings. It’s expected to be a speedy, light dish, as opposed to a weighty, rich sauce.

Pomodorina Sauce Versus Marinara

The primary contrast between marinara sauce and Pomodorina sauce is on the surface. Marinara is a tomato-based sauce that is more slender, runnier, and chunkier, while Pomodorina sauce is thicker and incorporates smoother, pureed tomatoes.


This is a fast outline of the 5 basic fixings that you’ll require for a cluster of the best Pomodorina sauce. As usual, explicit estimations and complete bit-by-bit cooking directions are remembered for the printable recipe box at the lower part of the post.

New tomatoes: I utilized plum tomatoes here, however pretty much any assortment will work. The key is to find the juiciest, best, ripest, in-season tomatoes that anyone could hope to find since the kind of tomatoes will radically affect the kind of your sauce. On the off chance that you can’t find great, in-season new tomatoes, then, at that point, canned San Marzano tomatoes would be a decent other option.

Additional virgin olive oil: utilizing a great extra-virgin olive oil from Italy contributes the most fruity, powerful, and credible flavor to the sauce.

Onion: I love the mix of a sweet onion with the tomatoes in the sauce, however, you can utilize a white onion or yellow onion in the event that you like. Dice it into exceptionally fine pieces with the goal that it doesn’t make your sauce excessively stout.

Garlic: for the sweet-smelling character.

New spices, for example, new basil leaves, oregano, and parsley.

Instructions to Make Pomodorina Sauce

Instructions to Make Pomodorina Sauce

This valid pasta Pomodorina sauce meets up rapidly and effectively for a light and new summer dinner that exploits the season’s best tomatoes and spices. Children and grown-ups can all settle on this supper!

Quarter the tomatoes, and afterward utilize your fingers to scoop out the seeds.

Purée the tomatoes in a food processor until they’re genuinely smooth, leaving a few lumps in the event that you like more surface in your sauce.

Move the tomatoes to a colander to strain off the overabundance of fluid.

Sauté the garlic and onion in the olive oil in an enormous container, pan, Dutch stove, or other huge pot over medium-high intensity.

Add the tomatoes and spices, and afterward heat the blend to the point of boiling.

Decrease the intensity to low, and stew the sauce revealed for around 30 minutes.

Taste the sauce and season with salt and pepper. You could likewise prefer to prepare with a smidgen of sugar, contingent upon the pleasantness of your tomatoes. Sugar adjusts the corrosiveness in the tomatoes.

Serve the sauce over cooked pasta, and top with ground Parmesan cheddar and extra new spices.


Store extra Pomodorina sauce in a hermetically sealed compartment in the fridge for 3-4 days. You can also read more about Soyaki Sauce, the Best Food Partner.

To Freeze

Keep the extra sauce in a hermetically sealed compartment in the cooler for as long as 90 days. Tip: a Ziploc cooler pack can be frozen level and afterward stacked to boost cooler extra room!

How to Warm?

Defrost frozen sauce in the cooler short-term. Warm the sauce in a pan on the burner over low intensity, just until warmed through. In the event that it’s excessively thick, you can thin the sauce with a sprinkle of warm water. Another on Crab-tivity in the Kitchen: A Juicy Crab Special Sauce Recipe.

More Purposes For Pomodorina Sauce

While it’s flavorful when served over a major bowl of pasta, you can likewise involve the sauce in different alternate ways. Here are a few thoughts:

Pizza: believe it or not, you can utilize the Pomodorina as a pizza sauce for your next natively constructed pizza night!

Chicken Parmesan: skirt the bumped sauce and use Pomodorina in this recipe all things considered!

Stuffed Shells: utilize the arranged Pomodorina in lieu of a container of locally acquired red sauce in this exemplary Italian dish.

Lasagna: layer the sauce in a flavorful natively constructed lasagna.

Soup: add flavor and thickness to this simple soup.

Goulashes: like heated rigatoni or prepared ziti.

Quesadillas: make pizza quesadillas (a youngster number one!) with your extra sauce.

Recipe Varieties

Add ground Italian frankfurter, ground hamburger, ground pork, or ground turkey to make it a heartier meat sauce.

This recipe yields a minuscule group of sauces (around 2 cups complete) — enough for one huge container or around 3-4 servings. On the off chance that you’re like me and you’d prefer to have more to keep close by, or on the other hand in the event that you simply have a bigger family to take care of, twofold the fixings and continue with similar cooking directions.

Utilize different new spices, like basil, thyme, oregano, and parsley. Anything that your family loves will work!

On the off chance that new spices aren’t accessible, substitute with around 1 tablespoon of dried spices, (for example, dried basil or dried Italian flavoring mix).

This youngster accommodating sauce is made without wine. In the event that you like a more extravagant, bolder flavor, add ½ cup of red wine or white wine to the sauce. You might have to stew the sauce a piece longer to inspire it to diminish and thicken.

For a briny expansion, mix in certain escapades or olives (it will be like a puttanesca sauce)!

Tips For The Best Pomodorina Sauce Recipe

Tips For The Best Pomodorina Sauce Recipe

Utilize top-notch Italian additional virgin olive oil and delightful, ready summer tomatoes, since the olive oil and tomatoes structure the foundation of the sauce.

Since you’re stewing for a more limited measure of time, leave the cover off of the pot to permit the sauce to thicken and the flavors to focus.

Contingent upon the pleasantness of your tomatoes, you might have to prepare the sauce with a tad of sugar. The sugar adjusts the corrosiveness of the tomatoes, providing the sauce with a more noteworthy profundity of flavor.

When the sauce is done, change flavors and flavors to suit your preferences. Add salt, pepper, or extra spices. On the off chance that you like a hot Pomodorina, add squashed red pepper chips.

How to Serve Pasta Pomodorina Sauce?

Serve the new pureed tomatoes over your #1 pasta (like spaghetti!), and trim with newly ground Parmesan cheddar and extra cleaved new spices. On the off chance that you lean toward some different option from pasta, take a stab at matching the Pomodorina sauce with sautéed zucchini noodles, cooked potato gnocchi, or cauliflower gnocchi. It’s an entirely fulfilling vegan entrée, but on the other hand, it’s delightfully filled in as a side dish with a piece of barbecued fish or chicken.

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