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Green Tea Rice

by Muhammad Nabeel

When you all have heard the name, you have an idea that today we are talking about green tea that is mixed with rice.
Read this full article we will give you all information about green tea rice.

What is Green Tea?

First of all, the question that arises in your mind is what is green tea. You might have often used green tea but you never know that it has so many benefits and also a lot of types.
Green tea is a type of tea that is produced by the leaves of the camellia Sinensis plant. Almost, every tea is made from the camellia Sinensis plant but they all are different due to their harvesting time and the procedures that are applied to them.
For eg: Green tea is first withered and then undergoes the process of stopping oxidation then drying and sorting.
On the other hand, if you will see the procedure of white tea then it is less processed than green tea and has not gone through the processes of drying and sorting.

Types of Green Tea

  • Sencha
  • Matcha
  • Gyokuro
  • Genmaicha
  • Hojicha
  • Kukicha
  • Bancha
  • Tencha
  • Shincha

Flavors of Green Tea

It also has 6 flavors that you can take according to your mood and need.

  • Moroccan Mint Flavor
  • Chamomile Flavor
  • Tulsi Flavor
  • Honey Lemon Flavor
  • Jasmine Green Tea
  • Himalayan Green Tea

Green Tea Rice

Green Tea Rice is a Japanese dish that you can try with different meals. It is so simple and easy to make as well as delicious.

It can also satisfy your midnight cravings without messing up your kitchen. If you are a tea lover then this recipe is especially for you. Because in green tea rice, rice is soaked in green tea.

If you are in the mood for a light-tasting meal then this might help you. Because its taste is not so simple and not so sharp. It has a moderate taste which makes it more popular.

Green Tea Rice Recipe

It is so reviving and just a few minutes recipe that you can eat with whatever you want.


  1. Four green tea bags
  2. One cup of rice
  3. One garlic clove chopped
  4. One teaspoon of ginger chopped
  5. Mixed Vegetables
  6. Green onion chopped
  7. Half cup of sesame seeds chopped

Instructions to make:

Firstly, take green tea bags and dip them into water. Steep into the water for 7-8 minutes and remove the tea bags.

Secondly, mix rice, garlic, ginger, and tea in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Cover the saucepan, and lower the flame to medium-low. Cook gently for 10 minutes.

Thirdly, add vegetables and cover the pan. Cook with vegetables until and unless vegetables get soft and tender. Add green onions and sesame seeds.

Just it guys! your green tea rice is ready to eat. Serve it with which you want to serve it.

In Japanese, this dish is called “Ochazuke”.

Green Tea Rice Nutrition

The above recipe contains 124 calories per serving.

Nutrients NameAmount Per Serving
Total Fat 1g
Saturated Fat 1g
Sodium 297mg
Carbohydrates 27g
Protein 2g

Health benefits of green tea mixed with rice

Maintain blood sugar level

Sometimes we all crave unhealthy food and if you are a blood or sugar patient it is hard for you to eat unhealthy food. Green Tea like genmaicha is best for sugar and blood pressure patients. So if you are craving unhealthy food drink a cup of genmaicha coffee it will help you control your cravings.

Prevents from Cancer

Antioxidants like EGCG( Epigallocatechin Gallate) are present in all green teas and help to prevent cancers of numerous types like bladder cancer, breast cancer, and ovary cancer). Moreover, it decreases bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol which lowers the chances of heart disease.

Good for oral health

Green Tea is also good for our tooth problems. Antibacterial characteristics that are present in green teas help to prevent tooth decay.

Removes toxins from our body

Selenium is present in genmaicha green tea and selenium is good for managing thyroid hormones. A deficiency of selenium may cause fatigue and sleeping problems.

Furthermore, green tea has polyphenols that discard all toxins from our bodies.

Which Green Tea To Use?

You must be thinking that which green tea is best for green tea rice. So in my opinion, Shincha green tea is good it is the year’s first harvest of green tea. Shicha is popular for its sweet taste and high quality. Otherwise, you can also use other types of green tea if Shincha is not available.

What happens if we add brown rice instead of white rice?

If we add brown rice to it. It will get healthier for us. Brown rice will make it filled with fiber.

Is green tea rice beneficial for those people who are trying to lose weight?

Yes! green tea contains polyphenols which are good for losing weight. Moreover, polyphenols convert our food into calories.

Which types of green tea are good for this?

1)Shincha Green Tea
2)Genmaicha Green Tea
3)Sencha Green Tea

How much time should we store Ochazuke?

Store it in an airtight container, put it in a fridge and you can use it for up to one week. In the freezer, you can store it for up to one month.

Is green tea rice healthy or not?

Obviously, green tea rice is a healthy recipe because it contains both rice and green tea and both are beneficial for the human body. As you know rice contains nutrients that are good for our health and green tea also contains antioxidants that help us in many ways.


If you have never tried this recipe so please try it you guys will love it. It is easy to make a recipe. This recipe just takes 15 minutes also green tea rice is also healthy for us.

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