Taste the rich malty kinds of Assam milk tea in this exemplary milk tea recipe. Assam tea is a famous tea for adding milk and sugar. Figure out how to make this heavenly cup of Assam milk tea!
A well-known milk tea decision for the majority of tea recipes, Assam milk tea is rich and velvety all alone and doesn’t have areas of strength for as astringent delayed flavor impression as a few dark teas do. It is one of my top picks for a milk tea base. Attempt it in rose milk tea as well as coconut milk tea.
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Step-by-Step Instructions to Make Assam Milk Tea
Bubble Water – Add water and improved dense milk to a little pot on the burner. Bring to a low bubble.
Mix Tea – Mood killer intensity and add tea. (See fixing varieties for adding flavors and vanilla) Cover and steep for 5 minutes.
Strain – In the event that utilizing a tea sack, eliminate the tea pack pressing out all the flavor from it. (I utilize this tea pack tong to safeguard my fingers from the intensity.) Pour the blend through a hardened steel sifter into a teacup.
Continue to peruse for additional subtleties on Assam Milk Tea and the full recipe!

What is Assam Milk Tea?
Assam is a genuine tea from the plant assortment Camellia sinensis var. Assamica. It is filled in Assam, which is in northeastern India. Assam, India creates close to half of all the tea filled in India.
Assam is Milk Tea that is completely oxidized. It has a higher measure of caffeine than most dark teas and is many times utilized in breakfast mixes like Irish Breakfast tea and English Breakfast tea.
Assam Milk Tea will be a rich orangish-earthy colored tone when prepared.
This rich dark tea from India is a flavorful tea all alone yet is many times utilized as the foundation of milk tea as it is intense and solid, and holds up well when joined with milk and flavors. As I would see it, it likewise has a less astringent taste than other dark teas. It is in some cases said to have a beautiful honey and malty flavor.
Assam dark tea is a well-known base for the overwhelming majority of bubble teas. Read more about Thai Milk Tea Authentic Recipe.
Assam tea may likewise flaunt a few advantages to your well-being. It is loaded with cell reinforcements and studies recommend it might support heart, mind, and stomach-related well-being. Milk tea is a general term that can envelop any tea that is joined with milk. Adding milk to tea adds a smooth rich aspect. It is generally well known for rich dark teas and can be found in bistros everywhere. Milk tea likewise frequently incorporates different fixings like sugar, flavors, and even boba.
Assam Bubble Tea
As referenced previously, Assam tea can be utilized to make bubble tea. You can make bubble tea by following this recipe and including those flavorful custard pearls. (Completely cooked first!)
What Does Assam Milk Tea Taste Like?
This tea is a lavishly smooth tea. With profound complex flavors, smooth milk, and a bit of sugar make this tea a debauched treat.
- Rich
- Smooth
- Charming
- Sumptuous
Why You Will Adore This Recipe?
Simple to make
Very Practical
Adaptable Make it the manner in which you like it!
Fixings and Varieties

Assam Free Leaf Tea or Assam Tea Packs – Picked your number one top-notch Assam tea.
Improved Dense Milk – I utilized coconut-improved consolidated milk for a dairy-free other option yet you can pick what you like best.
Water – Picked spring or sifted water for the best taste. Water plays a significant role in the flavor and fragrance of tea.
Discretionary Flavors – Assam dark tea is a famous base for chai tea. Add warm flavors to your milk tea like cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander, and cloves. (I utilize 1/4 teaspoon of each for 1 serving.)
Discretionary Vanilla – Add 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla to your tea for more character.
Instructions to Make Assam Milk Tea
Kitchen Instruments
Little Sauce Container | |
Estimating Cup and Spoons | |
Little Cross section Sifter | |
Tea Cup |
Assam Tea | |
Improved Consolidated Milk | |
Water | |
Discretionary Fixings |
Bit-by-Bit Directions
Add water and improved consolidated milk to a little pot on the burner.
Heat to the point of boiling.
Switch off the intensity and add tea. (Add discretionary fixings whenever wanted)
Cover and steep for 5 minutes)
Empty tea through the sifter into a teacup.
Assam Milk Tea Recipe Notes
Bubble water to 205-210°
Soaking just has to last 2-3 minutes for a fully seasoned cup.
Not at all like most free-leaf teas which can be reused a few times, Assam is best just being utilized once. In that capacity, I frequently use tea packs while making Assam tea.
This tea is great with increments like sweet flavors and vanilla.
Use without dairy improved consolidated milk for a choice that welcomes sensitivities.
Benefits of Milk Tea

Some Nourishment You Get From Milk Tea
The presence of milk tea was energetically invited by youngsters. Hence, analysts have taken examples for the investigation to decide the nourishing creation of this food. In view of many dissects, researchers measure that 240ml of milk tea contains:
120 calories 0g protein 1.5 g fat 28 g starches 0 g fiber 28g sugar This is with the typical recipe ordinarily utilized by individuals. Use choices while calling.
Notwithstanding, each essence of calories and content of substances will be changed like more sugar, seriously besting. As of now, some milk tea can give up to 200 calories. Despite the fact that milk tea has folate, calcium, iron, and selenium, it is just a tiny sum even insufficient to address the body’s issues.
Impacts of Drinking Milk Tea
Youngsters and even grown-ups love drinking milk tea, not in any event, eating primary dinners of the day, and drinking milk tea all things considered. Hence, guardians can’t help thinking about what impact milk tea has. Does drain tea give an adequate number of 4 principal healthful gatherings in the nourishment pyramid for children?
In light of wholesome examination research, it tends to be seen that milk tea gives a ton of calories and carbs, giving the body energy yet very few medical advantages. While drinking milk tea, you will get 2 advantages:
Bringing down pulse Green tea milk tea is a decent beverage for individuals with circulatory strain. While utilizing milk tea with green tea fixings, the circulatory strain record will diminish and the awful cholesterol will likewise diminish. This is the explanation drinking milk tea can forestall a few cardiovascular sicknesses and strokes.
Decrease the gamble of malignant growth In the arrangement of green tea contains cell reinforcements that assist with forestalling unsafe free revolutionaries. Simultaneously, green tea additionally lessens the gamble of liver disease, bosom malignant growth, prostate malignant growth, or rectal malignant growth, because of the selenium content inside. Nonetheless, not all milk tea recipes incorporate green tea, so this impact might change assuming that the recipe changes.
Risks While Utilizing Milk Tea You Want to Focus on
There is no denying a few impacts while drinking milk tea yet it is tiny and doesn’t cause numerous beneficial outcomes. What would it be a good idea for us to focus harder on is drinking milk tea destructive? Bubble milk tea frequently utilizes sugar or consolidated milk to make pleasantness and that is likewise a gamble for standard milk tea clients.
The higher how much sugar in milk tea, the more it will influence the well-being of the client. This is the reason for being overweight, stoutness, diabetes, or blood fat. You will likewise confront the gamble of cardiovascular infection or liver sickness or mental deterioration. For small kids, as well as being overweight, corpulence additionally builds the gamble of rickets, hindered youngsters with long haul physical and scholarly impacts.
Bubble milk tea is joined with numerous food varieties, for example, pearls, tea, milk, and egg tarts, so assuming you are sensitive to one of them, it will be incredibly risky. Also in the event that the wellspring of the fixings isn’t clear, you will in any case be in danger of food contamination.
Answers For Limiting The Unsafe Impacts of Milk Tea
The advantages of milk tea are excessively short time and the damage is very risky. In this way, you ought to supplant a couple of fixings to make a better and more secure milk tea.
Decrease how much sugar is in milk tea to a healthy level Creating your own milk tea can likewise encourage you as opposed to purchasing instant ones. With these recipes, you can supplant sugar with honey or solid sugars to guarantee that the food you make is as yet scrumptious.
Assam tea could have one of the greatest measures of caffeine in dark teas. Albeit the caffeine levels will rely on many variables including the way things are developed, harvests, ready, and the way things are blended.
Assam is a serious area of strength for a, and complex tea. It is an extraordinary tea to add milk.
To make Assam dark tea, add tea to bubbling water. Steep for 2-3 minutes. Strain out tea leaves, and appreciate!